SCH Number 2000021102
Project Info
- Title
- Susnar Commercial Buildings 98-DP-038, 99-CP-047, 03-ND-28
- Description
- The Susnar project is a request for approval of a Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit to authorize intensification of an existing neighborhood commercial center located in the upper village of Montecito. The project would include demolition of all but one of the existing buildings on site. The existing building to remain (Building A) measures one story in height and 520 square feet in size and is located in the southernmost interior corner of the site. Three new one and two story buildings (Buildings B, C, and D) would be constructed on site, for a total of 8,526 square feet of new development. Uses on site would comprise of a restaurant, offices, and retail. The proposed project would provide a total of 55 parking spaces. The project would include 2,700 cubic yards of cut, and 500 cubic yards of fill. Approximately 2,200 cubic yards of material would be exported from the site. The Montecito Water District and Montecito Sanitary District would continue to provide water and sewer service.
2 documents in project