SCH Number 1999091046

Project Info

EIR 415 for TT 29259, 29408, 29409
The proposed project would subdivide the site (119 acres) within three tract maps into a 423-lot single family residential subdivision with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet. The project would consist of three subdivisions: Tentative Tract (TT) Map No. 29259 would have a 197 lots; TT 29408 would have 153 lots; and TT 29409 would have 73 lots. An on-site park, detention basins, and a sewer lift station lot would also be provided, including infrastructure and roadway improvements on-site and along the site boundaries. Comprehensive General Plan Amendment Nos. 487, 527, and 533 would change the Sun City / Menifee Valley Community Plan's land use designation on the site from Residential, 2 1/2 and 5 acre minimum lot sizes to Residential, 2 to 4 dwelling units per acre. Change of Zone Nos. 6443, 6515, and 6523 would change the zone on-site from A-1-2 1/2 and A-1-5 to Residential, One-Family Dwellings (R-1).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Riverside County EIR 415 for TT 29259, 29408, 29409
Riverside County EIR 415 for TT 29259, 29408, 29409
Riverside County EIR 415