SCH Number 1999091031

Project Info

James Canyon Estates - CT 98-20/SDP 99-09/HDP 98-22/CDP 98-90
A tentative tract map, site development plan, hillside development permit, and coastal development permit to allow the subdivision and grading of 12 standard single family lots with 12 single family homes and two second dwelling units on a 4.28 acre infill parcel located in the northwest quadrant in the R-1 (One Family Residential) zone at the southern terminus of James Drive between Highland Drive and Park Drive in Local Facilities Management Zone 1.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Carlsbad James Canyon Estates - CT 98-20/SDP 99-09/HDP 98-22/CDP 98-90
City of Carlsbad James Canyon Estates - CT 98-20/SDP 99-09/HDP 98-22/CDP 98-90