SCH Number 1999081069
Project Info
- Title
- Well Site #4 New Water Tank Project
- Description
- The Well Site #4 New Water Tank Project is part of the Castroville Water District's long-range program to ensure reliable water supplies within the service area of the District. The proposed tank would be constructed on about 14,000 square foot parcel at the northern end of lot 42, adjacent to and south-southeast of lot 46 which contains the existing Well Site #4 facilities (well head, 630,000 gallon storage tank, booster pumps, etc.). The new tank would be welded steel construction and would have a capacity of one million gallons. The tank would be cylindrical, either 60 feet in diameter and about 50 feet high or 80 feet in diameter and about 30 feet high, constructed on a level concrete pad at elevation +42 feet msl. Pipelines would be constructed to connect the new tank with the existing pumping facilities on the adjacent lot. The pad for the tank would be cut about 5 feet into the gently sloping ground surface and an area about 10 feet wide would be leveled around the tank for access. No filling is planned. The lot on which the proposed tank would be constructed is vacant, unpaved, and slopes down to the south-southeast from the existing tank lot at approximately a 7 1/2 % grade. The slope at the tank site, in the center of the lot is about 6.8% for the 80-foot diameter tank and about 6% for the 60-foot diameter tank.
2 documents in project