SCH Number 1998082042

Project Info

Baybreeze Rezoning, Planned Development and Tentative Subdivision Map (R-1-98, PD-1-98, S-2-98)
The project is located along Struve Slough, south of Hwy 152 and east of Hwy 1 in Santa Cruz County. The project involves construction of two settling ponds, contouring approximately 3,600 feet of slope and construction of a pedestrian walkway. CDFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number 1272-99 pursuant to Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code to the project operator, Rich Ambrosini/Western Pacific Housing-Bay Area Division.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Watsonville Baybreeze Subdivision
City of Watsonville Baybreeze Rezoning, Planned Development and Tentative Subdivision Map (R-1-98, PD-1-98, S-2-98)
City of Watsonville Bay Breeze (Watsonville)
City of Watsonville Bay Breeze (Watsonville)
City of Watsonville Bay Breeze (Watsonville)