SCH Number 1998071096

Project Info

Crestlake Estates; TM5082RPL2, AD 95-046, Log No. 95-14-011
CDFG is intending to execute a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code (SAA#1600-2008-0128-R5) to the project applicant, Rick Sayre, represting Progress Construction Company, Inc. The applicant proposes to alter the stream to grade building pads and roads associated with the Crestlake Estates project, which proposes 60 residential units on lots ranging between 1 and 8.1 acres with associated roads and easements on approximately 88 acres, 2 open space lots that total approximately 202 acres, and 2 lots for a Padre Dam Municipal Water District water tank and pump station. Standard earthmoving equipment will be used to deposit fill into 10,718 linear feet of stream channel, resulting in the loss of 0.03 acre southern willow scrub, 0.11 acre emergent wetland, 0.33 acre intermittent streambed, and 0.02 acre ephemeral streambed. During construction, comprehensive short-term Best Management Practices (BMPs) will control construction-related erosion and sedimentation. Post-construction BMPs proposed include: minimization of impervious surfaces, open space design, conservation easements, storm drain stenciling and signage, on-lot treatment measures, rip rap or other flow open energy dissipation, detaching roof leaders, cisterns, rain barrels, bioretention areas, filter strips, vegetated swales, dry extended detention basins, and howeowner education.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County Crestlake Estates; TM5082RPL2, AD 95-046, Log No. 95-14-011 (SAA #1600-2008-0128-R5)
San Diego County Crestlake, TM5082, AD 95-046, Los No. 95-14-11
San Diego County Crestlake Estates; TM5082RPL2, AD 95-046, Log No. 95-14-011
San Diego County Crestlake, TM5082, AD 95-046, Los No. 95-14-11
San Diego County Crestlake, TM5082, AD 95-046, Los No. 95-14-11