SCH Number 1998031149

Project Info

COMM. WECS PERMIT NO. 71, RP#5, CZ 6330, VR 1648
Proposed rezone from N-Ato W-E on 66 acres; expansion of existing WECS array from existing 159 WECS; variance to reduce WECS related safety and wind access setbacks; granding permits to move up to 30,000 cubic yards of earth; an additional five WECS on adjacent lands under Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Riverside County COMM. WECS PERMIT NO. 71, RP#5, CZ 6330, VR 1648
Riverside County COMM. WECS PERMIT NO. 71, RP#5, CZ 6330, VR 1648