SCH Number 1997121020
Project Info
- Title
- Description
- Project objectives are to stop seawater intrusion to the Salinas Valley ground water basin, create a hydrologic balance in the basin, provide for existing and anticipated future water needs in the basin, and address nitrate contamination in the basin's ground water aquifers. The proposed Salinas valley Water Project includes several elements: modification to the Nacimiento Reservoir spillway and related reoperation of the Nacimiento and San Antonio reservoirs to increase recharge of the Salinas Valley ground water basin through discharge of flow to the Salinas River; use of available recycled water from the Monterey County Water Recycling Projects for agricultural irrigation; construction of either a surface or subsurface storage facility for recycled water; a subsurface diversion facility in the Salinas River and a surface storage facility for diverted ricer water; water treatment plant; and pipelines to distribute water agricultural or urban users, or to both.
2 documents in project