SCH Number 1997101035

Project Info

Empire Center Planned Development
The City has prepared this SEIR to update the traffic analysis contained in the Empire Center Planned Development FEIR to determine the need for, and feasibility of the mitigation measures identified for the intersection of Buena Vista St. at Victory Blvd. and Buena Vista St. at Empire Ave. Since the City Council certified the FEIR for the Empire Center Planned Development in June 2000 several factors have been identified that require the City Council to reevaluate the feasibility of constructing the remaining portions of these mitigation measures. The analysis assumes full buildout of the eastern portion of the eastern portion of the Empire Center containing a retail store that has been vacant since May 2011. The feasibility of these intersection improvements was evaluated for consistency with the goals and policies of the City's updated General Plan (now titled Burbank2035).
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Burbank Empire Center Planned Development
City of Burbank Burbank Empire Center Project
City of Burbank Burbank Empire Center
City of Burbank Burbank Empire Center
City of Burbank Burbank Empire Center Project
City of Burbank Burbank Empire Center Project
City of Burbank Burbank Empire Center Project