SCH Number 1996101038

Project Info

Santa Fe Energy Resources Oilfield & Landfill Expansion ED88-329
A request for approval of: 1) an existing oil field consisting of 63 oil wells, oil storage facilities, pipelines and vehicular access roads; 2) an expansion of an existing 2.3. acre landfill to 5.1 acres; and 3) installation of 20 new oils wells, 3.5 miles of new oil and gas pipelines, six new well drilling pads, and 0.6 miles of new vehicular access roads.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County Santa Fe Energy Resources Oilfield & Landfill Expansion ED88-329
San Luis Obispo County Santa Fe Energy Resources Oilfield & Landfill Expansion