SCH Number 1995013030

Project Info

Water Distribution and Storage Projects, Sweetwater Springs Water District
This Initial Study has been prepared to evaluate potential environmental consequences associated with the modifications now proposed that differ from the original project descriptions as presented in the two previous environmental documents. This Initial Study will allow the lead agency, Sweetwater Springs Water District, to evaluate relevant environmental information associated with the implementation of the proposed project modifications in order to make findings for adoption of a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration. The project consists of the following components: 1. Relocation of the Highland Tank transmission line; 2. Relocation of the Monte Rosa Tank transmission main and acquisition of property or easements to accommodate the proposed improvements at the Monte Rosa Tank site; 3. Relocation of the proposed new Summit Tank and its associated transmission main; and 4. Change in fence material at the Highland Tank site.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sweetwater Springs Water District Sweetwater Springs Water District Water Distribution
Sweetwater Springs Water District Water Distribution and Storage Projects, Sweetwater Springs Water District
Sweetwater Springs Water District Sweetwater Springs Water District Water Distribution