SCH Number 1994072048

Project Info

Mojave River Pipeline Project
CDFW is issuing a Streambed Alteration Agreement for the construction of a 528-foot pipeline adjacent to and within the Mojave River channel and the installation of 200 cubic meters of ½ ton class rip-rap along the Mojave River levee (project). The project is part of the Mojave River Pipeline, which delivers State Water Project water to the Mojave River Basin. The project will result in 0.11 acres of permanent impacts and 0.07 acres of temporary impacts to CDFW jurisdictional streambed.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Mojave Water Agency Lenwood Outfall Construction Streambed Alteration Agreement Notification No. 1600-2014-0023-R6
Mojave Water Agency Mojave River Pipeline Project
Mojave Water Agency Mojave River Pipeline Project