SCH Number 1993052016

Project Info

USBR/El Dorado County Water Service Under P.L. 101-514
The project would implement those parts of P.L. 101-514, Section 206 pertaining specifically to EDCWA. Up to 15,000 acre-feet per year of CVP M&1 water would be made available to EDCWA for diversion from Folsom REservoir, or from an exchange on the American River upstream from Folsom Reservoir. The contract would provide water to serve existing and future water needs in El Dorado County, establish and preserve entitlements to divert the water in accordance with SWRCB and Reclamation requirements, and justify new facilities to deliver the water.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
El Dorado County U.S. Bureau of Reclamation/El Dorado County Water Agency P.L. 101-514 New CVP Water Service Contract
El Dorado County USBR/El Dorado County Water Service Under P.L. 101-514
El Dorado County USBR/El Dorado County Water Service Under P.L. 101-514
El Dorado County USBR/El Dorado County Water Service Under P.L. 101-514
El Dorado County U.S. Bureau of Reclamation/El Dorado County Water Agency P.L. 101-514 New CVP Water Service Contract
El Dorado County U.S. Bureau of Reclamation/El Dorado County Water Agency P.L. 101-514 New CVP Water Service Contract