SCH Number 1988121413

Project Info

I-8/Imperial Avenue Reconstruction Project
The project proposes to reconstruct the existing interchange at Interstate 8 (I-8) and Imperial Avenue in the City of El Centro in Imperial County in order to: 1) accommodate planned growth, 2) achieve compatibility with planned City and County improvements to the local and regional arterial system south of I-8, 3) improve drainage at the interchange, and 4) incorporate improvements to safety.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 11 Interstate 8/lmperial Avenue Interchange Reconstruction Project
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters I-8/Imperial Avenue Reconstruction Project
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Imperial Avenue/I-8 Interchange Revision
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters I-8/Imperial Avenue Reconstruction Project
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Imperial Avenue/I-8 Interchange Revision