SCH Number 1988020216
Project Info
- Title
- Dykstra Ranch - 228 Residential Project (EIR-02-87)
- Description
- The project is part of a larger project to subdivide two parcels and build 63 family homes on approximately 27 acres and dedicate 85.7 acres as an open space preserve. This only includes the constructon and grading activities related to the infrastructureof the residential units. Project activites include the installation of an aluminum box culvert, a trenchless installation of a below ground level steel pip sleeve for a future water main crosing and two v-ditch rip-rap outfall structures on one drainage, on the second drainage, installation of a bridge crossing, jack and bore activities underneaththe drainage fot installationof a water mainand sanitary sewer main, construction of a stormwater outfall and associated biofiltration swale and two v-ditch rip-rap outfall structures. The California Department of Fish and is executing a Lake and Streabmed Alteration Agreement Number 1600-2012-0441-3 puirsuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Gane Code to the project Applicant, Alianto Properties as represented by Albert Fong.
2 documents in project