Ana Belle Farms


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
Document Title
Ana Belle Farms
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife will exchange a 10-acre parcel of land in Kern County designated as part of the Allensworth Ecological Reserve for 20 acres of land in Tulare County owned by Ana Belle Farms, LLC. within the greater Allensworth Ecological Reserve area. The 10-acre parcel was encroached upon and converted into a pistachio orchard. Ana Belle Farms, LLC has offered to exchange two separate 10-acre parcels of unimproved natural land.

Contact Information

John Walsh
Agency Name
Wildlife Conservation Board
Job Title
Deputy Executive Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Kern, Tulare
Parcel #
047-040-08, 333-220-004 & 333-210-014
Other Location Info
Kern County: APN: 047-040-08 Tulare County: APN: 333-220-004 & 333-210-014

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec.5313, Class 13 and Sec.15325, Class 25
Reasons for Exemption
Project involves acquisition of land by a public agency for preservation of natural conditions and the transfer of land for continuing agricultural use. Project involves the acquisition of land for wildlife conservation to preserve open space and habitat, including plant or animal habitats.

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Public Resources Code section 21080.28
Reasons for Exemption
Project involves acquisition of land by a public agency for preservation of natural conditions and the transfer of land for continuing agricultural use. Project involves the acquisition of land for wildlife conservation to preserve open space and habitat, including plant or animal habitats.
County Clerks
Kern, Tulare


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