Beach Lake Berm Repairs Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Sacramento
Document Title
Beach Lake Berm Repairs Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The current Beach Lake berm is experiencing significant seepage between Beach Lake (to the south of the berm) and Morrison Creek (to the north of the berm). This seepage issue was exacerbated during high water flows in 2023. Proper operation of the berm assists with the management of water levels and flows in this system, as well as flood control during high water events. The loss of berm function is resulting in increased flood risk upstream and downstream of the berm and failures of pump stations that move water in the affected waterways. The purpose of the project is to repair and restore proper function and stability to the existing berm. The repairs consist of the removal an existing concrete cap and rip rap on the berm surface, removal of soils from the top of the berm, removal and capping of pipe segments in the berm contributing to the seepage, installation of sheet piles through the berm to reduce the seepage, rebuilding the removed portions of the berm with Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) and compacted soil, replacing a portion of the concrete cap with a 9-inch deep concrete surfaced weir, and reinstalling of rip rap on the berm surface. A temporary coffer dam may need to be installed along the south side of the berm to create a dry work area, depending on water conditions in Beach Lake during construction.

Contact Information

Scott Johnson
Agency Name
City of Sacramento Community Development Department Environmental Planning Services Division
Job Title
Principal Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Raymond Kong
Agency Name
City of Sacramento Department of Public Utilities
Job Title
Senior Engineer
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Cross Streets
East of 8685 River Rd., Sacramento, CA
Other Information
East of 8685 River Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832 (38.43726°N, -121.497032°W)

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, Section Number 15301 and Class 2, Section Number 15302
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists' 6fthe''repair, continued maintenance, and minor alteration of the Beach Lake Berm, an existing public facility. Consistent with State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) the facility being repaired (the Beach Lake Berm) is relied upon by a public utility (Sacramento Area Sewer District) to provide flood control and water management services. The repaired berm would be located at the same site and would have the same purpose and capacity as the existing berm. There would be no expansion of use or capabilities compared to the berm's original design and function. The proposed project would not alter the capacity of the berm as a water management facility pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15302(c). No exceptions to these exemptions apply as explained in a memorandum from Ascent Environmental to The City of Sacramento Department of Utilities dated February 20, 2025.
County Clerk


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