2511 Sunset Mixed Use (ENV-2023-2029-CE)


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
2511 Sunset Mixed Use (ENV-2023-2029-CE)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Demolition of an existing single-story grocery store, recycling center, and surface parking lot for the construction, use, and maintenance of a five-story, mixed-use building containing approximately 89,719 square-feet of floor area, comprised of 3,603 square-feet of commercial floor area and 86,116 square feet of resrdentlal floor area, on an approximately 27,055 square foot site, resulting in a Floor Area Ratio ("FAR") of 3.32:1. The project will include 121 dwelling units, 13 of which will be reserved for Extremely Low Income Households. The proposed unit mix is comprised of 73 studio, 36 one-bedroom and 12 two-bedroom units. The building will rise to a maximum height of approximately 79 feet. A total of 79 vehicle parking spaces, 87 long-term bicycle parking spaces, and 11 short-term bicycle parking spaces will be provided within the two-level subterranean parking garage and the ground floor. The project includes 9,418 square-feet of open space, consisting of a 2,926 square-foot courtyard, three (3) recreation rooms that total 2,353 square-feet, and a 4,139 square-foot roof deck. The project also includes the planting of a minimum of31 24-inch box trees and the export of 20,700 cubic yards of earth from the site.

Contact Information

Erick Morales
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
Job Title
Planning Assistant
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Gary Benjamin
Agency Name
Alchem Planning+Land Use
Job Title
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project


Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Cross Streets
Sunset Blvd & Coronda St
Total Acres
Parcel #
5402-015-004, 5402-015-005, 5402-015-006, and 5402-015-007
Mayberry Street Elementary School
Other Location Info
PROJECT LOCATION 2511, 2513, 2515, and 2517 West Sunset Boulevard
Other Information
NAME OF APPLICANT/ OWNER: Guy Vidal, Sunset at Rampart, LLC & Sunset at Coronado, LLC

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15332 – Class 32
Reasons for Exemption
the Project meets all of the criteria for the Class 32 exemption. (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. The Land Use Element of the General Plan of the City of Los Angeles consists of a Framework Element and 35 Community Plans. The Framework Element contains a Long-Range land Use Diagram that depicts the Project site as within a Mixed Use Boulevard which are intended to be generally characterized by up to 3- to 6-story mixed use buildings. The Project is a 5-story mixed-use building and therefore is consistent with the long-range land use envisioned in the Framework Element. The Project site is located within the Silver Lake-Echo Park-Elysian Valley Community Plan area, which designates the site as Community Commercial, within which the proposed project is a consistent use, as footnote 13 on the Community Plan Land Use Map states that mixed use development with residential over ground floor commercial is encouraged in this designation. The Project’s consistency with the Community Plan objectives and policies is addressed on the following page in Table 1: Consistency with Silver Lake-Echo Park-Elysian Valley Community Plan. As shown in Table 1, the Project would be consistent with the applicable policies of the Silver Lake-Echo Park-Elysian Valley Community Plan. The Community Plan states that its goals, objectives, policies, and programs were created to meet the needs of the community through the year 2010. The Community Plan was adopted in 2004. At the time the forecasted 2010 population of the Community Plan area was 81,950 and the estimated potential plan capacity was 94,900 residents. However, the City has reported that the population of the Community Plan area only reached 70,088 in 2010 and has declined to 67,387 by 2021.2 The current estimated population for the entire City is approximately 3,973,278 people.3 SCAG has forecast that City will grow to a population of 4,771,300 by 2045, an increase of close to 800,000.4 As such, the Project does not represent a substantial increase in the population of the Community Plan area or the City and is within the SCAG projections for population growth. The Project would provide 121 housing units which could accommodate up to 288 people at the average household size for renter occupied units in the Community Plan area.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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