Fiscal Year 2025 - A Pavement Maintenance Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Santa Barbara
Document Title
Fiscal Year 2025 - A Pavement Maintenance Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project is located on various streets throughout the City, and the scope of work includes micro-mill, crack seal, and type 2 slurry seal, grinding existing asphalt and replace asphalt, pre and post sweeping, rubber tire rolling, temporary and permanent striping, performance of traffic control, notifications, and postings. A portion of the proposed Project along Hollister Avenue, Shoreline, and Cliff Drive are within the Coastal Zone requiring a Coastal Exemption. No new development will take place under the proposed scope of work.

Contact Information

Kaitlin Mamulski
Agency Name
City of Santa Barbara, Public Works Engineering
Job Title
Project Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Southern California
Other Location Info
Samarkand, Westside, East Mesa, Downtown, Eastside neighborhoods and Santa Barbara Airport Zones: RS-7.5, R-M, R-MH, C-G, C-R

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (c) Existing Facilities
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (c) Class 1, Existing Facilities. The Project meets this section's requirements as the Project consists of repair and maintenance of existing pavement facilities throughout the City and does not result in an expansion of facilities. The repair and maintenance activities do not result in an increase in capacity. Archaeology. Portions of the Project are located in the Prehistoric Sites and Watercourses, Early 20111 Century (1900-1925), Hispanic-American Transition Period (1848-1870), and the Spanish Colonial & Mexican (1782-1849) areas of archaeological sensitivity. No new native ground disturbing work (excavation) will take place. All work is confined to the surface of the existing previously disturbed roadway prism. There is no potential to disturb sensitive archaeological resources, therefore, the effect on archaeological resources is considered less than significant. Biology. Portions of the Project are located within 200 feet of biologically sensitive areas known as Upland Habitat. All work associated with the Project will take place within existing City Street right-of-way and will not interfere with sensitive areas. There will be no disruption to biological habitat(s), therefore the effect on biological resources is considered less than significant. Creeks. Some streets being treated are adjacent to City creeks. However, construction activities will be restricted to parking and vehicle drive lanes only (curb to curb) and will not impact environmentally sensitive creek areas. Additionally, inspection of construction activities will be conducted throughout the project duration to ensure that the contractor maintains Best Management Practices (BMPs) as required by the Project Specification and Contract documents. Given that the work will not occur in a creek, and all construction activities will follow BMP's, the effect on creeks is considered less than significant. Coastal Zone. The Hollister A venue and Shoreline Drive work is within the Appealable Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone. A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Exemption application will be submitted to the City's Community Development Department. The proposed Project includes only slurry seal within the existing improved road prism near identified Steelhead trout habitat, an Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA) for Mission creek. As no work will impact Mission creek, no impacts are anticipated, therefore the effect on coastal resources is considered less than significant. Floodway. Portions of the Project are located in the "A" and "AE" flood zones. Work will not take place during measurable rain events, therefore, the effect on floodway conditions is considered less than significant. Geology. Portions of the Project are located in areas with high liquefaction potential, moderate or high expansive soils, and shallow or moderately shallow groundwater. The scope of work is limited to surface overlay, therefore, the effect on geological conditions is less than significant. Hazardous Materials. Although the project is adjacent to various LUST Cleanup sites on parcels throughout the City, the Project is limited to the existing street right-of-way and will not involve any ground disturbing activities, therefore, there is no effect with regard to hazardous materials. Historic Structures. Although the Project is located near historic structures, the Project scope would not have any effect on existing historic structures. All work will be done within the existing public right-of-way and will maintain the same visual character. The Project will have no impact on historic structures. Noise. Construction noise will be typical of the respective type of work. Working hours for the project are between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM. No permanent noise impacts will occur. Noise levels during construction will adhere to decibel limits as required in the Project Specifications and Contract Documents. The Contractor must comply with the Noise Control requirements stated under General Conditions §7.20 (Noise Control). Following the Noise Control requirements and standard construction hours will ensure the project will have a less than significant effect in terms of noise. Transportation. Any temporary road closures associated with the scope of work would adhere to an approved Traffic Control Plan, therefore, the effects on transportation are considered less than significant. In conclusion, the Project is a maintenance and repair project that will improve pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle roadway safety throughout the City. The Project is not anticipated to have any significant impacts on environmental resources, therefore, the Public Works Department recommends that the Project Planner consider this Project as exempt, as defined in the CEQA review process classified under the Class 1, 15301 (c) Existing Facilities categorical exemption of the CEQA Guidelines.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara


Notice of Exemption

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