TransMontaigne Operating Company LP- Issuance of Permit to Operate for Alteration of S- 17 (Air District Application 708448).
SCH Number
Public Agency
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Document Title
TransMontaigne Operating Company LP- Issuance of Permit to Operate for Alteration of S- 17 (Air District Application 708448).
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Air District has issued a roof replacement alteration for tank S-17 under an Air District Temporary Permit to Operate for the following equipment:
S-17 Tank #15161nternal Floating Roof
TransMontaigne Operating Company LP, Richmond Terminal has requested a roof replacement for Tank 1516 (S-17). S-17 is currently a cone roof tank with an internal floating roof (IFR). The proposed new floating roof will be a cable suspended roof that is safer and results in less roof penetration. The replacement of the IFR for S-17
will result in a net decrease in emissions. S-17 is currently permitted to store ethanol and other materials provided that they remain below a true vapor pressure (TVP) of 8.0 psia and do not release emissions of any toxic air contaminant (TAC) which exceeds the toxic trigger limits of Air District Regulation 2, Rule 5. S-17 is subject to a total liquid throughput limit of 27,690,400 gallons during any consecutive 12-month period. The roof replacement will not change any of the permit conditions including allowable liquids stored, TVP, or annual throughput.
Contact Information
Emily Schwartz
Agency Name
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Job Title
Air Quality Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Dirk Wold
Agency Name
TransMontaigne Operating Company LP
Job Title
Air Compliance Manager
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Contra Costa
Citywide, Countywide, Northern California
Cross Streets
Cross Street: Wright Avenue & unnamed dirt road; Northwest ofthe tank is South 4th Street
Other Location Info
488 Wright Avenue, Richmond, Contra Costa County, CA 94804
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Public Resources Code§ 21080{b)(1) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15268{a).
Reasons for Exemption
Finding of Exemption:
The Air District has determined that this approval is exempt from CEQA per the following:
1. The Air District's action is ministerial and exempt from CEQA under Public
Resources Code§ 21080{b)(1) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15268{a).
2. This project is categorically exempt per the Class 1 Alteration (also known as "No
or Negligible Expansion of Existing Use" or "Minor Alterations to existing facilities")
per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301.
3. This project is also exempt under the "common sense" exemption. (See CEQA
Guidelines § 15061, subdivision (b)(3)).
Reasons for Exemption:
This permit decision is not subject to CEQA because the Air District's evaluation is a ministerial action {Public Resources Code § 21080{b){1) and CEQA Guidelines § 15268{a)) conducted using the fixed standards and objective measurements in the Air District's rules and regulations. In addition, because S-17 is altered and not
new or modified, neither a Best Available Control Technology (BACT) or BACT for taxies (TBACT) determination is required. The Air District is legally compelled to approve this application given the relevant requirements objectively met based on the information available to the Air District. Thus, the Air District's approval is
ministerial and not subject to CEQA. This permit application is categorically exempt from CEQA. CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, exempts projects that involve negligible or no expansion of use. The alteration will not expand the facility's normal operation and will result in no increase or only a negligible increase in use of the facility. Further, based on the review of the permit application materials, including Appendix H, environmental information form, the project will not have any significant environmental impacts, and cumulative impacts from successive projects of the same type in the same place will not result in significant environmental impacts. The changes did not result in increased capacities or emissions from any source. Accordingly, approval of this permit application is not subject to CEQA review. It
can also be seen with certainty that the change will not have any environmental impacts. The action would therefore be exempt under the "common sense" exemption. (See CEQA Guidelines§ 15061, subdivision (b){3)).
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
Finding of Exemption:
The Air District has determined that this approval is exempt from CEQA per the following:
1. The Air District's action is ministerial and exempt from CEQA under Public
Resources Code§ 21080{b)(1) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15268{a).
2. This project is categorically exempt per the Class 1 Alteration (also known as "No
or Negligible Expansion of Existing Use" or "Minor Alterations to existing facilities")
per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301.
3. This project is also exempt under the "common sense" exemption. (See CEQA
Guidelines § 15061, subdivision (b)(3)).
Reasons for Exemption:
This permit decision is not subject to CEQA because the Air District's evaluation is a ministerial action {Public Resources Code § 21080{b){1) and CEQA Guidelines § 15268{a)) conducted using the fixed standards and objective measurements in the Air District's rules and regulations. In addition, because S-17 is altered and not
new or modified, neither a Best Available Control Technology (BACT) or BACT for taxies (TBACT) determination is required. The Air District is legally compelled to approve this application given the relevant requirements objectively met based on the information available to the Air District. Thus, the Air District's approval is
ministerial and not subject to CEQA. This permit application is categorically exempt from CEQA. CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, exempts projects that involve negligible or no expansion of use. The alteration will not expand the facility's normal operation and will result in no increase or only a negligible increase in use of the facility. Further, based on the review of the permit application materials, including Appendix H, environmental information form, the project will not have any significant environmental impacts, and cumulative impacts from successive projects of the same type in the same place will not result in significant environmental impacts. The changes did not result in increased capacities or emissions from any source. Accordingly, approval of this permit application is not subject to CEQA review. It
can also be seen with certainty that the change will not have any environmental impacts. The action would therefore be exempt under the "common sense" exemption. (See CEQA Guidelines§ 15061, subdivision (b){3)).
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines § 15061, subdivision (b)(3)).
Reasons for Exemption
Finding of Exemption:
The Air District has determined that this approval is exempt from CEQA per the following:
1. The Air District's action is ministerial and exempt from CEQA under Public
Resources Code§ 21080{b)(1) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15268{a).
2. This project is categorically exempt per the Class 1 Alteration (also known as "No
or Negligible Expansion of Existing Use" or "Minor Alterations to existing facilities")
per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301.
3. This project is also exempt under the "common sense" exemption. (See CEQA
Guidelines § 15061, subdivision (b)(3)).
Reasons for Exemption:
This permit decision is not subject to CEQA because the Air District's evaluation is a ministerial action {Public Resources Code § 21080{b){1) and CEQA Guidelines § 15268{a)) conducted using the fixed standards and objective measurements in the Air District's rules and regulations. In addition, because S-17 is altered and not
new or modified, neither a Best Available Control Technology (BACT) or BACT for taxies (TBACT) determination is required. The Air District is legally compelled to approve this application given the relevant requirements objectively met based on the information available to the Air District. Thus, the Air District's approval is
ministerial and not subject to CEQA. This permit application is categorically exempt from CEQA. CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, exempts projects that involve negligible or no expansion of use. The alteration will not expand the facility's normal operation and will result in no increase or only a negligible increase in use of the facility. Further, based on the review of the permit application materials, including Appendix H, environmental information form, the project will not have any significant environmental impacts, and cumulative impacts from successive projects of the same type in the same place will not result in significant environmental impacts. The changes did not result in increased capacities or emissions from any source. Accordingly, approval of this permit application is not subject to CEQA review. It
can also be seen with certainty that the change will not have any environmental impacts. The action would therefore be exempt under the "common sense" exemption. (See CEQA Guidelines§ 15061, subdivision (b){3)).
County Clerk
Contra Costa
Notice of Exemption
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