Battles Elementary School Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten (TK/K) Classrooms Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Maria-Bonita School District
Document Title
Battles Elementary School Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten (TK/K) Classrooms Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project includes the demolition of one building with four classrooms, one play area, and partial demolition of a second play area to construct one L-shaped TK/K building with a new play area, walkways, and a mechanical yard. Access to the new TK/K Building, new play area, and mechanical yard will be limited by fencing and will be accessed via three new gates. The new building will be single story with seven classrooms, a conference room, restrooms, and a mechanical/storage room. In addition, the proposed project includes the reconstruction of parking lots onsite, such as an improved fire access lane, pick up/drop off area, battery storage enclosure, and landscaping. The new western lot will have 42 parking spaces for visitors, and the new eastern lot will have 65 parking spaces for staff. The proposed project results in a net increase of three classrooms. The campus is expected to serve up to 870 students which is below the campus’s existing enrollment design capacity. L-Shaped TK/K Classroom Building The proposed project will include the construction of an approximately 13,000 square foot building which will include seven new classrooms with restrooms, a conference room, and storage and electrical/mechanical rooms. This new building will be constructed over a portion of the existing western parking lot and play areas on the western side of the Battles ES campus. This new TK/K building will include exterior improvements/construction such as an adjoining play area and utility yard. The proposed project includes an adjoining, fenced-in play area for the new TK/K building. This new play area will be located to the northeast of the new L-shaped TK/K classroom building. The play area will contain a new hard surface with colored track, landscaping, and perimeter fencing with access gates. The proposed project will also include an outdoor utility yard that is approximately 459 square feet, on the southwest corner of the proposed TK/K classroom building. This area will be fenced. Parking Lot Improvements and Circulation The proposed project includes the reconstruction of the parking lots onsite. The proposed project will construction a new western and eastern parking lot that will serve visitors and staff, respectively. The proposed eastern parking lot separates the main parking area and loading zone and eliminates the shared driveway. The number of driveways is also reduced from four to three access points. Additionally, a new pickup/drop-off zone located in the western parking lot will measure approximately 476 feet. This provides an additional 202 feet of queuing length compared to the existing pickup/drop-off zone that is located in the existing southern parking lot. The new pick-up/drop-off zone will also serve school buses. The western parking lot (visitor parking lot) will provide 42 parking spaces, including two ADA parking spaces and a walking path that provides access to the school. The visitor parking lot will provide vehicle access via East Battles Road by one ingress only driveway on the eastern side, and provide one egress-only on the western side of the parking lot. A one-way student drop-off/fire lane is separated from the western parking lot to the north, which will also include a new student drop-off area and new flagpole. The eastern parking lot (staff parking lot) will provide 65 parking spaces, including four ADA parking spaces. This parking lot will be served by one ingress-egress driveway near the southeast corner of the project site. This driveway will be accessible via East Battles Road. The eastern parking lot will be fenced and provide two pedestrian access gates into the campus and an enclosed trash area. Utilities The proposed project will include the installation of new underground utility lines for potable water, sanitary sewer, and fire water that will connect to existing lines on the project site. One 3-inch water line will connect to an existing 10-inch water main in Battles Road. The fire water line will include installation of a backflow preventer and fire hydrant. Additionally, the proposed project includes installation of stormwater drain lines throughout the project site. The proposed project will also install dry utilities lines and connections, including electricity and telecommunications, including battery storage that would be enclosed. Construction Construction of the proposed project is tentatively scheduled to start March 2025 and be completed by July 2026. All construction equipment and workers will be located within the boundaries of the campus and contractors will adhere to construction noise regulations to avoid disruption to campus operations. As part of the proposed project, the removal of 18 trees is also proposed.

Contact Information

Javier Cavazos Jr
Agency Name
Santa Maria-Bonita School District
Job Title
Classified Management, Coordinator Maintenance & Operations
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Santa Maria
Santa Barbara
Cross Streets
E Battles Road and S College Drive
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
U.S. Route 101, State Route 135
Other Location Info
The Battles Elementary School campus is located at 605 E. Battles Road, Santa Maria (City) and is associated with the Assessor parcel number (APN) 128-066-020. The City is surrounded by unincorporated San Luis Obispo County to the north, the unincorporated town of Orcutt in Santa Barbara County to the south, and unincorporated Santa Barbara County to the west and east. Regional access to the project site is provided by U.S. Route 101 (US 101) and California State Route 135 (SR 135) which approximately 0.56 miles east and 0.43 miles west of the project site, respectively. The campus is bounded by the Santa Maria Cemetery to the east and residential uses to the north, west, and south. The project site is located on the south side of the Battles ES campus.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15302, 15303, 15314
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed parking lot improvements and play area are exempt from CEQA under Class 2, Replacement or Reconstruction (Section 15302). The proposed parking lot improvements and play area will be constructed within the same campus and located within the same area. The reconstruction of the parking lots are within the campus and general area of the existing parking lots. The new play area will be located on the same site. The parking lots and play area would have substantially the same purpose and the facilities they are replacing. The proposed project will also include the demolition of the existing classroom building, in order to construct the proposed L shaped building. This building would continue to serve as the TK/K classroom building. The improvements will be located on campus to serve students, visitors, and staff; the project is exempt from CEQA under Class 2, Replacement or Reconstruction (Section 15302). The proposed utility yard, utility improvements and connections, battery storage enclosure, landscaping, paving, fencing, and play area are exempt from CEQA under Class 3, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures (Section 15303). These components of the proposed project are small new equipment and facilities that will support the proposed project. The improvements will be located on campus to serve students; the project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15303. The proposed project will include the construction of a new approximately 13,000 square-foot one-story building. This new L-shaped building will include seven classrooms, a conference room, restrooms, and mechanical/storage rooms and an attached mechanical yard. With the implementation of the proposed project, school enrollment capacity would increase by 72 students. This additional 72 students will increase the student population by 8 percent and would not exceed 25 percent. Additionally, the proposed building will have a total net increase of three classrooms, which is below 10 classrooms. Since the proposed project will be located within the same campus and will not increase the school classrooms by ten nor increase student capacity by 25 percent, the project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15314. The proposed project was also reviewed for possible exceptions under Section 15300.2 and found that the exceptions do not apply.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara


Notice of Exemption

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