Santa Barbara Airport Firestone Ditch Vegetation Maintenance


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Santa Barbara
Document Title
Santa Barbara Airport Firestone Ditch Vegetation Maintenance
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project includes vegetation maintenance along Firestone Ditch to maintain hydraulic function of the channel and clear overgrown vegetation from the roadsides along Hollister Avenue and Firestone Road to allow for safe passage by pedestrians and bicyclists. Maintenance would include trimming of approximately 1,500 linear feet of riparian/wetland vegetation at the west end of the channel and 1,250 linear feet of mowing and trimming of ornamental vegetation (e.g., oleander, olives) on the east end of the channel (Figure 1 – Vegetation Maintenance Area). The project falls partially on APN 073-450-003 and in the Hollister Avenue Right-of-Way. The trimming of vegetation along road edges will take place prior to the beginning of the nesting bird season (i.e., February 1 through August 31). Maintenance will involve trimming back willow and oak branches out of the road shoulders and traffic lanes on both sides of the drainage and cutting dead and dying oleander, olives, and a Mexican fan palm on the east end of the channel to ground level. All of the ornamental vegetation that will be cut to ground level is along the northern top-of-bank of the channel and the root systems will be left in place to avoid de-stabilizing the bank. Coast live oak trees will be avoided and protected in place.

Contact Information

Jessica Metzger
Agency Name
City of Santa Barbara
Job Title
Project Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Southern California
Cross Streets
Between Hollister Avenue and Firestone Road
Parcel #
Santa Barbara Airport

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15304 and 15301
Reasons for Exemption
Project includes minor alterations to land that do not involve permanent changes and the Project involves the restoration of impaired facilities to meet standards of public safety for pedestrians and cyclists using the roads as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process for the Project.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara


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