Caltrans D6 PG&E Encroachment Permit # 06-25-6-UC-0030


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT)
Document Title
Caltrans D6 PG&E Encroachment Permit # 06-25-6-UC-0030
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
PG&E proposes to enter upon the Caltrans Right of Way (ROW) to perform maintenance work on utility poles. The project would replace one existing 40-foot distribution utility pole with a new 45-foot distribution pole approximately 23 feet from the edge of traveled way (ETW). This project triggers the DSDD because the pole being replaced is within Caltrans ROW and within the Clear Recovery Zone of 52-feet from the ETW. Aerial wires will be temporarily suspended along State Hwy 33 (Route 33), with a speed limit of 55 MPH, at Post Mile (PM) 77.54. This project supports the community wildfire safety program. During the course of performing the work, the aerial wires spanning along Route 33 will be detached and reattached. The anticipated excavation depth is 60 inches, the width is 18 inches, and the length is 1.5 feet. Traffic control will be provided while performing the work. Caltrans would issue an encroachment permit to allow for the proposed work to occur within State right-of-way.

Contact Information

Pedram Mafi
Agency Name
Caltrans District 6
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisor)
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Agency Name
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Job Title
Applicant Representative
Contact Types
Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


State Highways
Other Location Info
On State Route 33 at Postmile 77.53/77.54

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, 15301 Existing Facilties
Reasons for Exemption
Caltrans has determined the project to be categorically exempt in accordance with Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) Class 1 - Operation, repair maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structure, facilities, mechanical support, or topographic features involving negligible or no expansion or existing or former use.


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