4970-4972 E. Gambier St (ENV-2024-2507-CE)


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
4970-4972 E. Gambier St (ENV-2024-2507-CE)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project is for a preliminary parcel map, proposed for the subdivision of one (1) lot into two (2) separate parcels in the [Q]RD3-1D-HCR Zone. The project proposes the construction, maintenance and use of two (2) new single-family dwellings (one on each parcel). The subdivision will result in two (2) building sites, each encompassing approximately 6,372 square feet. According to the stamped map dated October 22, 2024, the parcel is 12,744.19 square feet. There are two (2) protected Southern California Black Walnut trees, one is in the public right-of-way. The protected trees are not proposed for removal and no construction is proposed at this time. The site is vacant and is located within the Northeast Los Angeles Community Plan area, the Northeast Los Angeles Hillsides Ordinance area, and is zoned [Q]RD3-1D-HCR with a land use designation of Low Medium I Residential. The properties to the north consist of vacant land or are developed with low density residential uses and are also zoned [Q]RD3-1D-HCR. The properties to the west, south, and east consist of vacant land or are developed with low density residential uses and are zoned [Q]R1-1D-HCR. The subject property is an infill development and is slightly larger and different in shape than the surrounding properties. As the project involves new construction or conversion of small structures, it qualifies for the Class 3 Categorical Exemption.

Contact Information

Debbie Lawrence
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
Job Title
Planning Associate
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Ronald Cargill
Agency Name
Cargill Planning & Pre-Development Services
Job Title
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project


Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
PROJECT LOCATION 4970 – 4972 East Gambier Street
Other Information
NAME OF APPLICANT / OWNER: Senan Bodagh and Varant Shadda

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15303, Class 3
Reasons for Exemption
There are six (6) Exceptions which the City is required to consider before finding a project exempt under Class 15311: (a) Location; (b) Cumulative Impacts; (c) Significant Effect; (d) Scenic Highways; (e) Hazardous Waste Sites; and (f) Historical Resources. When under development, the project will be subject to Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMs), which require compliance with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance, pollutant discharge, dewatering, stormwater mitigation; and Best Management Practices for stormwater runoff. Per Section 91.7003 of the Building Code, RCMs, including, Aesthetics (RC-AE-3 Vandalism), Noise (RC-NO-1 (Demolition, Grading, and Construction Activities)); and Public Utilities and Service Systems (RC-WS-2 (Green Building Code), RC-EN-1 (Green Building Code)) in the City of Los Angeles regulate construction of projects and will reduce any potential impacts to less than significant. These RCMs have been historically proven to work to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to reduce any impacts from the specific environment the project is located. The project will not result in a significant impact based on its location, nor will there be any significant cumulative impacts. The site is located within the Northeast Hillsides Ordinance area, the Los Angeles Hillside Construction Regulation District (HCR), the East Los Angeles State Enterprise Zone, a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, a Special Grading Area (BOE Basic Grid Map A-13372), and is located 1.37 km from the Upper Elysian Park Fault Zone. The applicant has submitted an Arborist and Protected Tree Report (PTR) prepared by a reputable Tree Expert, as required by Ordinance No. 186,873 for approval by the Advisory Agency and the Bureau of Street Services, Urban Forestry Division (UFD). The report, prepared by James Komen (BCMA WE-9909B and RCA #555), is dated May 4, 2024, and was stamped as reviewed by the Urban Forestry Division (UFD) on May 20, 2024. There are two (2) protected Southern California Black Walnut (Juglans californica) trees on the site. One of the trees is growing in the public right-of-way, thus it is also a street tree. As shown in the case file, the project is consistent with the applicable Northeast Los Angeles Community Plan designation and policies and all applicable zoning designations and regulations. Lot A will maintain approximately 50 feet of frontage along Gambier Street and Lot B will have approximately 80 feet of frontage along Chadwick Drive. Lots adjacent to the subject site are either vacant or developed with low residential uses, including a mix of single-family residential dwellings and low-density multi-family units. The site is not officially designated or mapped as a sensitive site. With regard to cumulative impacts, the project does not exceed the threshold criteria established by LADOT for preparing a traffic study. Therefore, the project will not have any significant impacts to traffic. Interim thresholds were developed by DCP staff based on CalEEMod model runs relying on reasonable assumptions, consulting with AQMD staff, and surveying published air quality studies for which criteria air pollutants did not exceed the established SCAQMD construction and operational thresholds. Although there may be other projects under construction at the same time as the subject project, any resulting cumulative impacts will be addressed by Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMs). As indicated above, the project will be subject to RCMs, which require compliance with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance, pollutant discharge, dewatering, stormwater mitigation; and Best Management Practices for stormwater runoff. These RCMs will ensure the project will not have significant impacts on noise and water. As the site is zoned [Q]RD3-1D-HCR, it is subject to Ordinance No. 184,827, the Hillside Construction Regulation Supplemental Use District (HCR District), which establishes regulations to provide extra protections against construction related impacts of single-family residential developments in the hillside areas. This includes construction-related standards, and operating hours of construction activity that address construction-related hauling activity. Thus, there are no unusual circumstances which may lead to a significant effect on the environment. Additionally, the only State Scenic Highway within the City of Los Angeles is the Topanga Canyon State Scenic Highway, State Route 27, which travels through a portion of Topanga State Park. The project site is located about 32 miles east of this State Scenic Highway. Therefore, the subject site will not create any impacts within a designated as a state scenic highway. Furthermore, according to Envirostor, the State of California’s database of Hazardous Waste Sites, neither the subject site, nor any site in the vicinity, is identified as a hazardous waste site. The project site has not been identified as a historic resource by local or state agencies, and the project site has not been determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, the Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments Register, and/or any local register; and was not found to be a potential historic resource based on the City’s HistoricPlacesLA website or SurveyLA, the citywide survey of Los Angeles. Finally, the City does not choose to treat the site as a historic resource. Based on this, the project will not result in a substantial adverse change to the significance of a historic resource and this exception does not apply.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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