Reshaping Embankment Milepost 170.50 to 170.80
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
Reshaping Embankment Milepost 170.50 to 170.80
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The bank has slid down over time causing dirt to fill in the v-ditches and culverts. It is essential for SLFD to maintain all bank, v-ditches and culverts for water run-off and for the integrity of the Aqueduct. An excavator with a bucket will be used to reshape the embankment, repair erosions and clean out the v-ditch for proper drainage. Then a backhoe and grader will be used to level out spoils created from the excavator. Dust will be kept down by using a water truck. Only existing paved and gravel roads will be used to access the work site.
The State Water Project and DWR will benefit from this project.
An excavator, a grader, a water truck, a backhoe will be used, a pickup truck, and hand tools will be used for this work.
Contact Information
Mark McDaniel
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources
Job Title
Utility Craftsworker Supervisor
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
California Aqueduct
Other Location Info
Work will occur along the right side (R) of the California Aqueduct (Aqueduct)
from milepost (MP) 170.50 to MP 170.80. This area is 150 feet south of the intersection of the Aqueduct and Quail Avenue and 2.2 miles northwest of Kettleman City.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15304(f) Minor Alteration to Land - minor reshaping of embankment and cleaning out the V-ditch restoring ground surface.
Reasons for Exemption
General maintenance of reshaping embankment and cleaning out v-ditch
to restore the ground surface to its original specifications. Work will not result in any changes in land use or density.
Notice of Exemption
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