Cannameri, LLC
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Cannabis Control
Document Title
Cannameri, LLC
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Department of Cannabis Control, pursuant to authority granted under Business and Procession Code Division 10, Chapter 2, Section 26012, approved a Cannabis small outside License. The project consists of 9,608 square feet of cannabis cultivation in two (2) 25’x100’ greenhouse and two (2) 24’x96’ greenhouse, and approximately 8,192 square feet of immature canopy in two (2) 15’x100’ hoop houses, a 10’x100’ hoop house, a 17’x50’ greenhouse, and a 24’x40’ garage. There is currently existing infrastructure for project support. Water for the project would be provided from an onsite permitted well and an onsite septic system would serve the Project’s wastewater needs. Power will be supplied by a solar array, one MQ Power Corp Whisperwatt25 KVA AC Generator, and one MQ Power Whisperwatt 7000 Watt 7kW Diesel Generator.
Contact Information
Patricia Basaldua
Agency Name
Department of Cannabis Control Cultivation Licensing Branch
Job Title
Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Northern California
Cross Streets
451 Pine Coe Lane
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CCR, Section 15183
Reasons for Exemption
The Department of Cannabis Control has determined that the project is consistent with the local jurisdiction community plan and/or zoning designations. CEQA mandates that project is consistent with the development density established by existing zoning, community plan, or general plan policies for which an EIR was certified and shall not require additional environmental review, except as might be necessary to examine whether there are project-specific significant effects which are peculiar to the project or its site. The project activity fits within the parameters included in CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 and the activity does not require additional CEQA analysis.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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