Pipeline Infrastructure Renewal Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Document Title
Pipeline Infrastructure Renewal Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Replace and repair deteriorated pipelines as needed for cost effectiveness. These projects will typically replace water pipelines in kind.
Contact Information
Anna Williams
Agency Name
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Job Title
Junior Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Alamo, Albany, Ashland, Castro Valley, Crocket, Diablo, East Richmond Heights, , Berkeley, Danville, El Cerrito, Emeryville, Hayward, Hercules, Lafayette, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Pablo, San Ramon, Walnut Creek
Alameda, Contra Costa
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
I-680, I-80, I-880, I-580, I-238
Bay Area Rapid Transit, Amtrak
Oakland International Airport
Edwards Creek, Rodeo Creek, Refugio Creek, Pinole Creek, Garrity Creek, San Pablo Creek,
Other Location Info
Cities: Kensington
Zip Codes: 94506, 94526, 94556, 94549, 94563, 94523, 94595, 94582, 94583, 94596, 94597, 94598, 94525, 94530, 94547, 94564, 94801, 94803, 94804, 94805, 94806, 94850
State Highways: I-980 CA-4, CA-13, CA-185, CA-238, CA-123, CA-24, CA-61, CA-242
Airports: Hayward Airport Plaza, Buchanan Field Airport
Waterways: Wildcat Creek, Cerrito Creek, Sausal Creek, Palo Seco Creek, Shephard Creek, Redwood Creek, Indian Creek, Arroyo Viejo, San Leandro Creek, San Lorenzo Creek, Crow Creek, Cull Creek, Bolinas Creek, Kaiser Creek, Buckhorn Creek, Bollinger Canyon Creek, Grizzly Creek, Tice Creek, San Ramon Creek, Las Trampas Creek, Walnut Creek, Lauterwasser Creek, San Francisco Bay, Carquinez Strait
Township: T01N, T01N, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01N, T02S, T01S, T02S, T03S, T03S, T03S, T02S, T03S, T02S, T02S, T01N, T01N, T02N, T02N, T02N, T01N, T01N, T02N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T02N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01S, T02S, T02S, T03S, T02S, T01N, T02S, T02S, T01S, T01N, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01S, T01N, T01S, T03S, T02S, T02S, T01N, T01N, T01S, T03S, T02S, T01S, T01N, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01N, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01N, T01S, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01S, T01S, T02S, T01N, T01N, T02S, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01S, T02S, T01N, T02S, T01S, T02S, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T02S, T01N, T01S, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T02S, T02S, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01S, T01S, T03S, T01S, T01N, T01S, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01N, T01S, T02N, T01N, T03S, T02S, T01N, T02S, T02S, T01S, T01S, T02S, T01S, T01N, T01S, T01S, T01N, T01S, T03S, T01N, T01S, T02S, T01N, T01N
Range: R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R03W, R04W, R04W, R03W, R04W, R04W, R02W, R02W, R02W, R04W, R03W, R02W, R02W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R05W, R05W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R02W, R02W, R02W, R02W, R01W, R03W, R03W, R02W, R03W, R04W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R02W, R01W, R02W, R03W, R02W, R03W, R03W, R05W, R04W, R02W, R02W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R01W, R01W, R03W, R04W, R01W, R03W, R01W, R02W, R03W, R01W, R04W, R04W, R01W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R04W, R03W, R02W, R02W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R05W, R05W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R03W, R04W, R04W, R03W, R03W, R04W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R02W, R03W, R03W, R02W, R03W, R05W, R03W, R03W, R02W, R05W, R04W, R05W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R03W, R02W, R03W, R04W, R04W, R02W, R02W, R02W, R02W, R04W, R04W, R04W, R02W, R03W, R03W, R04W, R03W, R02W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R02W, R03W, R02W, R04W, R04W, R02W, R02W, R03W, R03W, R03W, R02W
Sections: 11, 10, 2, 31, 1, 34, 28, 4, 13, 18, 9, 11, 14, 12, 31, 33, 17, 28, 22, 22, 21, 21, 17, 30, 4, 12, 1, 28, 5, 16, 21, 26, 25, 11, 32, 20, 29, 28, 21, 36, 34, 17, 10, 26, 11, 13, 14, 17, 10, 13, 3, 26, 36, 31, 33, 28, 2, 4, 7, 7, 1, 7, 12, 9, 7, 25, 34, 7, 18, 3, 28, 16, 11, 15, 4, 2, 18, 7, 20, 17, 11, 33, 27, 22, 7, 2, 15, 16, 22, 26, 5, 13, 13, 24, 36, 5, 28, 7, 1, 7, 35, 8, 21, 33, 16, 17, 27, 27, 15, 11, 13, 20, 20, 31, 24, 18, 13, 6, 8, 16, 14, 2, 2, 32, 11, 29, 36, 3, 32, 26, 34, 16, 27, 36, 24, 34, 12, 34, 26, 6, 30, 30, 31, 36, 17, 16, 2, 1, 27, 4, 7, 34, 18, 10, 35, 26
Base: Richmond, Oakland West, Oakland West, Oakland West, Oakland East, Oakland West, Richmond, San Leandro, Richmond, Oakland West, Hayward, Hayward, Hayward, Oakland West, San Leandro, San Leandro, Hayward, Richmond, Richmond, Mare Island, Mare Island, Mare Island, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Briones Valley, Briones Valley, Briones Valley, Oakland East, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, Diablo, San Leandro, San Leandro, Hayward, Oakland East, Richmond, Oakland East, Oakland East, Oakland East, Richmond, Oakland West, Oakland East, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Briones Valley, Diablo, Walnut Creek, Oakland East, Hayward, Oakland East, Oakland East, Richmond, Richmond, Las Trampas, Ridge, Hayward, Oakland East, Oakland East, Briones Valley, Las Trampas, Ridge, Las Trampas, Ridge, Briones Valley, Richmond, Diablo, Oakland East, Diablo, Walnut Creek, Oakland East, Las Trampas, Ridge, Richmond, Richmond, Las Trampas, Ridge, Oakland East, San Leandro, Briones Valley, Richmond, Oakland East, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Oakland West, Richmond, Richmond, Oakland East, Richmond, Richmond, Oakland East, San Leandro, Richmond, San Leandro, Oakland East, Oakland East, Walnut Creek, Briones Valley, Briones Valley, Walnut Creek, Oakland East, Richmond, Oakland East, Oakland East, Walnut Creek, Richmond, Richmond, Richmond, Oakland East, Oakland East, Oakland East, Oakland West, Oakland West, Richmond, Oakland East, Hayward, Oakland East, Richmond, Oakland West, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, Richmond, Oakland West, Benicia, Walnut Creek, San Leandro, San Leandro, Richmond, Oakland East, San Leandro, Oakland East, Oakland East, San Leandro, Oakland East, Walnut Creek, Briones Valley, Walnut Creek, Richmond, Oakland West, Hayward, Walnut Creek, Oakland East, Oakland East, Briones Valley, Walnut Creek
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
This project will only repair, replace, or reconstruct existing utility systems and/or facilities with little or no expansion of capacity, pursuant to Sections 15302 and 15282 of the CEQA Guidelines.
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
This project will only repair, replace, or reconstruct existing utility systems and/or facilities with little or no expansion of capacity, pursuant to Sections 15302 and 15282 of the CEQA Guidelines.
County Clerk
Contra Costa
Notice of Exemption
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