Middle-Mile Broadband Network (11-4B008 Hub 210/1122000208)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 11
Document Title
Middle-Mile Broadband Network (11-4B008 Hub 210/1122000208)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project (11-4B008 Hub 210) is part of the Middle Mile Broadband Network (MMBN) initiative program which includes the installation of broadband infrastructure throughout California within the State Highway System (SHS), including Interstate routes.
As part of the Caltrans/CDT middle mile partnership, District 11 is constructing one
network repeater hub for the Middle Mile Broadband Network in San Diego County on I-8 at post mile (PM) R25.8. Hub 210 is sited at 32.856442, -116.817769, between Alpine Boulevard and eastbound I-8 in the neighborhood of Flynn Springs in El Cajon within Caltrans right-of-way. Connection from conduit within I-8 and the hub would extend through areas outside of Caltrans right-of-way/ownership and would be completed by CDT; portions outside of Caltrans right-of-way/ownership are not included in this review. The Middle Mile Broadband Network is intended to provide internet access to close key gaps in the rural high speed internet network
Contact Information
Shay Lynn Harrison
Agency Name
Caltrans District 11
Job Title
Environmental Special Projects Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
El Cajon
San Diego
Other Location Info
The proposed project would install one network repeater hub on Interstate 8 post mile R25.8.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CCR 15301- Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
The action is required in order to implement a project that is part of the California Middle-Mile Broadband Network. The action will take place within Caltrans Right-of-Way and will not involve any significant environmental impacts.
County Clerk
San Diego
Notice of Exemption
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