Los Altos Library Courtyard Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Altos
Document Title
Los Altos Library Courtyard Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The approximately 0.2-acre project site is located within the Los Altos Civic Center, north of the existing Los Altos Library. The project would remove the existing trellis, patio, and pedestrian pathway located directly north of the existing Los Altos Library and construct an approximately 8,265 square-foot outdoor courtyard. The courtyard would consist of new hardscape and pedestrian pathways, an outdoor multi-purpose seating area including an audio-visual system, and landscaping. The proposed pedestrian pathway would provide connections to City Hall and the existing parking lot to the east. The purpose of the courtyard is to host and support existing events at the Los Altos Library in conjunction with allowing for expanded programming opportunities. Three ornamental trees would be removed as a result of the project. No apricot trees from the Civic Center Apricot Orchard would be removed.

Contact Information

Sean Gallegos
Agency Name
City of Los Altos
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Natalie Tan
Agency Name
SSA Landscape Architects
Job Title
Landscape Architect
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Los Altos
Santa Clara
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
13 South San Antonio Road

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 - Section 15301 and Class 3 – Section 15303
Reasons for Exemption
The project meets the criteria for a Class 1 exemption because it includes a minor alteration of an existing public facility consisting of the replacement of an existing patio with a new courtyard. The proposed courtyard area would be approximately 8,265 square feet, which is below the 10,000 square foot criteria identified in the CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(e)(2). The proposed courtyard is also consistent with the General Plan land use designation for the site. The project site is also within an urban area of Los Altos that is currently served by existing public facilities and services. Additionally, the project would result in the removal of small, accessory structures including the existing trellis, patio, and pedestrian pathway located directly north of the existing Los Altos Library. The project site is also not environmentally sensitive. For these reasons, the project would involve a negligible expansion of the Los Altos Library existing patio. The project meets the criteria for a Class 3 exemption because it is the construction of an accessory courtyard for the existing Los Altos Library. The approximately 8,265-square foot courtyard would replace the existing Los Altos Library patio. The proposed courtyard would serve the patrons of the Los Altos Library. For these reasons, the project would meet the exemption criteria for a new construction or conversion of small structures. None of the exceptions to the exemptions set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 apply to the project. The project site is not located in a sensitive environment and is not located on a hazardous waste site included on list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. It has been determined that the project would not result in significant cumulative impacts, significant effects due to unusual circumstances, damage scenic resources within a designated state scenic highway, or significant effects to a historic resource. For these reasons, the project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA.
County Clerk
Santa Clara


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