Sunset Heights Multi-Family Affordable Housing Development
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Eureka
Document Title
Sunset Heights Multi-Family Affordable Housing Development
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Rural Communities Housing Development Corporation (RCHDC) is proposing to construct 88 affordable housing units in four separate buildings on a 4.18-acre, City-owned property located between W. Harris and W. Henderson Streets directly east and upslope of Broadway. The project site is currently comprised of four contiguous parcels (Assessor Parcel Numbers [APNs] 008-052-024, -025, -026, and -032). The project site is currently vacant, with remnant paving on the southern two parcels from their previous use as a construction contractor’s office and parking lot. Each of the two resultant parcels will include 44 dwelling units, an indoor community center, office, and laundry facilities, as well as a central plaza between the two buildings. The dwelling units will be a mix of studios and one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments, and each parcel will include an on-site manager’s unit. The four buildings will have a total combined footprint of 29,200 square feet (sf), with one three-story building and one two-story building on Resultant Parcel 1 (with a combined floor area of 40,600 sf), and one four-story building and one two-story building on Resultant Parcel 2 (with a combined floor area of 42,100 sf). To meet the City's Regional Housing Needs Allocation and help alleviate our local housing crisis, the City adopted a program in its 2019-2027 Housing Element to sell or lease City-owned parcels to affordable housing developers. On September 5, 2023, City Council approved an MOU with RCHDC for development of Sunset Heights consistent with the requirement of the Housing Element.
Contact Information
Cristin Kenyon
Agency Name
City of Eureka - Planning
Job Title
Director of Development Services
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Northern California
Cross Streets
Between West Harris and West Henderson Streets
Parcel #
008-052-024, 008-052-025, 008-052-026 and 008-052-027
State Highways
Highway 101 and 255
Eureka Union School District
Humboldt Bay
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 32 §15332
Reasons for Exemption
The project is infill development and also qualifies for exemption under CEQA Guidelines §15332. See attached pages for further explanation.
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
§21159.23 (CEQA Guidelines §15194)
Reasons for Exemption
The project meets the eligibility criteria for the Affordable Housing Exemption contained in CEQA Guidelines §15194 and PCR §21159.23, as well as the additional threshold requirements for the exemption contained in CEQA Guidelines §15192 and PCR §21159.21.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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