Benjamin Holt Drive Pavement Rehabilitation


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Joaquin County
Document Title
Benjamin Holt Drive Pavement Rehabilitation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
BENJAMIN HOLT DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Project Description Project Location: Plymouth Road to Gettysburg Place. See attached Vicinity Map. Project Justification: Benjamin Holt Drive is a forty-eight-foot to fifty-four-foot wide, multi-lane roadway. It was originally constructed in 1947-1949 as a twenty-foot-wide gravel road known as 'Golf Course Road.' It was later reconstructed with 0.17 feet of asphalt concrete over 0.5 feet of aggregate base, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, and widened to its current width, in phases between 1948 and 1959. In 1969 and 1970, the road was resurfaced with 0.20 feet of asphalt concrete. In 1986 and 1987, the road was resurfaced with 0.17 feet of asphalt concrete. In 2012, 0.20 feet of asphalt concrete was ground and replaced with rubberized asphalt concrete. The road has been maintained with periodic slurry seals, last applied in 2020. The existing paved surface is oxidized with minor to moderate alligator cracks in the wheel tracks, longitudinal cracks, and transverse cracks throughout. Moisture from the base/subbase seeps through the pavement surface, made evident by water drainage streaks on the pavement. Scope of Work: The project will consist of: 1. Grinding and replacing 0.5 feet Hot Mix Asphalt in two lifts with two layers of Geosynthetic Pavement Fabric (Tensar GlasGrid 8511) in between paving lifts. 2. Reconstructing Sidewalk at four locations with poor drainage (as designated by field inspection and survey review). 3. Replacing traffic signal loops at four intersections within project limits (Alexandria Place, Harrisburg Place, North Pershing Avenue, Gettysburg Place). Other Information: The Traffic Control Plan will require that a minimum of one lane shall always be open for public traffic, except for one day closures on all intersections, aside from Pershing Avenue and a single weekend closure of Pershing Avenue. Traffic will be detoured through adjacent neighborhood streets. Environmental Setting: In these portions of the San Joaquin County, land usage is primarily residential with single family homes. There are many large trees adjacent to the project area. Nesting and migratory birds, protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, may nest within these trees. Furthermore, the Swainson’s Hawk, a raptor species of concern within the State of California and listed as threatened may nest adjacent to or within the project area. A pre-construction survey for nesting Swainson’s Hawks and other migratory birds is recommended if construction is scheduled to occur from February 15th to September 1st. Beneficiaries: The public will see increased safety and fewer hazards with this well-maintained road. Overall, there will be reduced maintenance concerns and more reliability within the project area.

Contact Information

Marilissa Loera
Agency Name
San Joaquin County
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Joaquin
Cross Streets
Plymouth Road, Pershing Avenue, Gettysburg Place
State Highways
Highway 5
Five Mile Slough, Fourteen Mile Slough

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facilities (Sec. 15301 (c))
Reasons for Exemption
The project will repair an existing road and will not result in any major alterations to the configuration of the road. No additional vehicle travel lanes will be constructed.
County Clerk
San Joaquin


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