Joe Baca Middle School Turf Field and Basketball Courts Modernization
SCH Number
Public Agency
Colton Joint Unified School District
Document Title
Joe Baca Middle School Turf Field and Basketball Courts Modernization
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Colton Joint Unified School District proposes a new 10-foot-wide walking trail and six accompanying fitness stations around the northern, eastern, and southern borders of the existing turf field at Joe Baca Middle School. Seven new light poles (teo 60-foot-tall poles and five 80-foot-tall poles) would be installed to provide field lighting for evening use of the facility. Two basketball courts located in the center of the campus would be removed, and one new hard court for basketball and soccer (i.e., mini-pitch) would be constructed in its general location. The new hardcourt would also include two 30-foot-tall light poles for its evening use. The District would commence construction between December 2024 and March 2025. Construction would last approximately four months.
Contact Information
Owen Chang
Agency Name
Lead Agency Contact Person
Job Title
Director of Facilities and Energy Management
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Southern California
Cross Streets
W Valley Blvd and S Lilac Ave
Other Location Info
1640 South Lilac Avenue
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 (Class 4, Minor Alterations to land) and Section 15314 (Class 14, Minor Addtions to School
Reasons for Exemption
The project qualifies for a Class 4 exemption because it consists of minor excavation and trenching along the perimeter of a flat grass field and an asphalt area for a new walking path, six fitness stations, ten light poles, and a renovated basketball court and soccer mini-pitch. The project site is in an urbanized area and void of any mapped and designated sensitive resources and geologic hazards. Project implementation will not require the removal of any trees. The Project also qualifies for a Class 14 exemption because it consists of minor additions to existing outdoor instructional spaces on an existing school. The Project would not increase the number of classrooms or student capacity at the school. None of the exceptions under CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.0 apply to the project.
County Clerk
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
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