Renewal of the Downtown Property Business and Improvement District (PBID)
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of San Diego
Document Title
Renewal of the Downtown Property Business and Improvement District (PBID)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed renewed and expanded PBID is within the Downtown Community Planning Area and Includes the existing PBID and ten (10) additional blocks consisting of approximately fourteen (14) parcels. The PBID Is proposed to be renewed for a ten (10) year term and would be overseen by the City's Economic Development Department. The proposed PBID would provide services over and above the baseline services currently provided by the City. The proposed PBID would provide funding primarily for enhanced cleaning and maintenance, beautification and placemaking, safety and hospitality services, business attraction and retention, program management, and related administrative services. The Improvements and activities will be provided directly and only to assessed parcels; they will not be provided to parcels that are not assessed.
The City Council Is requested to: (a) order the renewal of the PBID, authorize the levy and collection of annual assessments within the PBID for life of the PBID, confirm the PBID map, and order the improvements and activities In accordance with the Management District Plan and Engineers Report; (b) authorize the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or designee to appropriate, expend and transfer Downtown PBID funds; and (c) authorize the CFO to take all other related and necessary actions.
Contact Information
Elena Pascual
Agency Name
City of San Diego
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Diego
San Diego
Other Location Info
The Downtown PBID includes approximately 14,100 assessed parcels within the following six "benefit zones":
1. The "Columbia" benefit zone Includes all parcels within the PBID boundaries west of Union St. until Union St. intersects Broadway where It proceeds west until intersecting State St. It then proceeds south until Intersecting with E St. and heading west to the PBID's west boundary.
2. The "City Center"·benefit zone's boundaries start with the Intersection of A St. and Union St. where it runs east along Union St. until proceeding north at the Intersection of 11th Ave. before heading east on Russ Blvd. At the intersection of Russ Blvd. and Park Blvd. it heads south until intersecting with E St It proceeds west on E St until intersecting with 6th Ave. before intersecting with Broadway and heading west. At the intersection of Broadway and 4th Ave. it proceeds south on 4th Ave. until it intersects G St. From G St. it proceeds west until Intersecting Front St. and turning north. At the Intersection of W F St. it goes west to intersect with State St. It proceeds north until intersecting with W Broadway and going west to intersect with Union St. before returning to Its starting point. There Is also a parcel In the southwest block of Cedar St. and W Date St. and the Interstate (I-) 5 onramp. ··-,.
3. The "Cortez" benefit zone includes all parcels within the PBID boundaries east of Union St. and north of West A St. /A St. and west of 11th Av. It also includes Tweet Street Park.
4. The "East Village" bepeflt zone starts at the corner of E St. and 6th Ave. before proceeding east on E St. and intersecting Park Blvd. Heading north on Park Blvd. it intersects with B St. before proceeding east on B St. At the Intersection of B St. and heading south along 1-5. At the intersection of Commercial St. and I S it proceeds west before heading south atthe lntersectfon of 16th St. Along 16th St. it proceeds until
·Newton Ave. where It heads northwest until Intersecting with National Ave. The boundaries head west along Imperial Ave. from the intersection with National Ave., proceeding southwest at the Intersection with Park Blvd. Then at the Intersection with Tony Gwynn Dr. it proceeds northwest until 6th Ave. There are also 2 parcels that run along the train tracks between L St. and East Harbor Dr.
5. The "Gaslamp" benefit zone beings at the intersection of K St. and 4th Ave. before proceeding north to the intersection of Broadway. This Includes the eastern half block that Is between Market St. and island Ave. (Bound by 3rd and 4th Ave.). It continues east along Broadway before proceeding south on 6th Ave. to the Intersection of L St. There are also 4 parcels that are the 4 most northern parcels of the block bound by L St., 5th Ave., 6th Ave. and Harbor Dr.
6, The "Marina" benefit zone begins at the corner of E St. and Pacific Highway where it proceeds west on E St. until intersecting with State St. It heads south on State St. until Intersecting with W F St. where it proceeds along W F St. The boundaries proceed south on Front St. untll intersecting with G St. where It heads west until 4th Ave. At the corner the boundaries proceed south until K St. All parcels within the PBID boundaries west of 3rd Ave. are Included.
The Downtown PBID Is In the Downtown Community Planning Area In Council District 3. See Figure 1: Downtown San Diego PBID Boundaries,
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guideline Section 15301 (Existing Facilities)
Reasons for Exemption
This activity is not a project as defined by the Cal_ifornia Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) Section 21065 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b)(S) as the renewal and expansion of the Downtown PBID is an organizational or administrative activity of government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. As such, this activity Is not subject to CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3), Future improvements and activities within the Downtown PBID, for which the funds are allocated, would undergo environmental review at a future date in accordance with the City's Land Development Code and CEQA Guidelines Section 15004, which provides direction to lead agencies on the appropriate timing for environmental review.
County Clerk
San Diego
Notice of Exemption
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