Thornton Avenue Resurfacing Project Work Order# ZD20099C Task Code #Z1530


SCH Number
Public Agency
Riverside County
Document Title
Thornton Avenue Resurfacing Project Work Order# ZD20099C Task Code #Z1530
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The County of Riverside Transportation Department (County) proposes to resurface approximately 1.25 miles of Thornton Avenue from Cornell Street to Soboba Street. Thornton Avenue is currently a two-lane road with width of 21-40 feet. The proposed work will consist of removing existing asphalt concrete (AC) pavement, scarifying underlying material, perform moisture conditioning and recompacting of existing material, and paving with Hot Mix Asphalt. Additional improvements will also include: • Adjusting utility valves & manhole covers • Constructing concrete curb ramps • Constructing AC dike and concrete curb & gutter • Constructing new and reconstructing existing concrete and AC driveways • Removing an existing drop inlet and constructing headwall • Reconstructing concrete cross gutters • Replacing barricade • Striping of roadway, including pavement markers/reflectors • Salvage/removal of existing signs and installation of new signs No additional right-of-way will be required to construct the proposed improvements. A Permit to Enter and Construct will be required to place a Concreted-Rock slope protection blanket on private property. Other project improvements will remain within the existing footprint of the roadway.

Contact Information

Jan Bulinski
Agency Name
County of Riverside Transportation Department
Job Title
Environmental Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Southern California
Other Location Info
Thornton Avenue between Cornell Street to Soboba Street in the community of East Hemet in Riverside County, CA.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (c)
Reasons for Exemption
ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: The project will extend the life of the pavement of the treated road, which is a benefit to the traveling public. The project consists of maintenance and repair of an existing public road. There is no expansion of use of the road as a result of the project. The rehabilitation of a roadway will be conducted by the County, who is a permittee as defined by the Western Riverside Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (WRMSHCP). The project is subject to compliance within the WRMSHCP. The project is outside of designated MSHCP Criteria Cells; however, it is still subject to compliance with the WRCMSHCP. Under Section 7.1 Covered Activities Outside Criteria Area and PQP lands of the MSHCP, necessary operation and maintenance projects, are Covered Activities and are not subject to survey or mitigation requirements outside criteria area and Public/Quasi-Public Lands. These covered activities are subject to compliance with Best Management Practices as described in Appendix C of the WRMSHCP. If tree and/or vegetation removal takes place during the migratory bird breeding season (February 1 – September 1), a preconstruction nesting survey will be conducted pursuant to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The County has found that the above-described project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), based on the following:The proposed project of pulverizing existing pavement and repaving a portion of Thornton Avenue with asphalt concrete is consistent with Section 15301(c) which exempts existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities, (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety). Furthermore, the project does not create additional automobile lanes and involves minimal to no expansion of use of the exiting roadway and associated facilities.
County Clerk


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