Co-Location and Reconfiguration of Pacifica School District schools
SCH Number
Public Agency
Pacifica School District
Document Title
Co-Location and Reconfiguration of Pacifica School District schools
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Board of Trustees ("Board") for the Pac ifica School District ("District") has taken action to reconfigure Ocean Shore School ("Ocean Shore"), which is currently a public K-8 school. Ocean Shore's K-5 program will co-locate on the same campus as Sunset Ridge Elementary School ("Sunset Ridge"), where Ocean Shore and Sunset Ridge will retain their independence as separate schools . Additionally, Vallemar School ("Vallemar"), which is currently a public K-8 school, will be reconfigured as a K-5 school and remain in its current location. The 6-8 students from Ocean Shore and Vallemar will be distributed amongst the District's remaining middle schools, Ingrid B. Lacy Middle School ("IBL") and Cabrillo School ("Cabrillo") . The District will also restructure the Special Education program to a two -track Special Day Program, where elementary (PK-5 grades) will be located at Sunset Ridge or Ortega Elementary School ("Ortega"), and 6-8 grade programming will be located at IBL. Finally, the District will modify the Special Education Preschool program to an AM/PM schedule
Contact Information
dewayne davis
Agency Name
Pacifica School District
Job Title
Asst. Supt.- Business Services
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Darnise Williams
Agency Name
Pacifica School District
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Mateo
San Francisco Bay Area
Total Acres
State Highways
Ocean Shore, Sunset Ridge, Vallemar, Ingrid, Cabrillo.
Other Location Info
411 Oceana Blvd, Pacifica, CA 94044 (Ocean Shore School); 340 Inverness Dr, Pacifica, CA 94044 (Sunset Ridge School); 377 Reina Del Mar Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044 (Vallemar Elementary School); 1427 Palmetto Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044 (Ingrid B. Lacy Middle School); 601 Crespi Dr, Pacifica, CA 94044 (Cabrillo School); and 1283 Terra Nova Blvd, Pacifica, CA 94044 (Ortega Elementary School).
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15314 {Class 14} ; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15322 (Class 22}
Reasons for Exemption
On January 22, 2025, the Board approved Resolution No.2025 -01-22-A approving the co-location and reconfiguration of the District schools ("Project"). The Project is exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations , sections 15314 and 15322. Since the Project involves the transfer of students from one public school to another with no physical changes to District facilities, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility of it having a significant effect on the environment. All schools that will be absorbing students from other schools have sufficient capacity to accommodate such students that will be relocated as a result of the Project, without increasing school sizes beyond their capacity . The Project is not located in a particularly sensitive environment and will not have cumulative impacts resulting from successive projects of the same type. There are no unusual circumstances associated with the Project. Finally, the Project consists of the alteration of educational programs which involve no physical .,, alteration in the area affected or which involve physical changes only in the interior of existing school.
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Public Resources Code § 21080.18
Reasons for Exemption
The Project is not located in a particularly sensitive environment and will not have cumulative impacts resulting from successive projects of the same type. There are no unusual circumstances associated with the Project. Finally, the Project consists of the alteration of educational programs which involve no physical .,, alteration in the area affected or which involve physical changes only in the interior of existing school.
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Cal. Code Regs ., tit. 14, § 15061{b}(3}
Reasons for Exemption
All schools that will be absorbing students from other schools have sufficient capacity to accommodate such students that will be relocated as a result of the Project, without increasing school sizes beyond their capacity . The Project is not located in a particularly sensitive environment and will not have cumulative impacts resulting from successive projects of the same type.
County Clerk
San Mateo
Notice of Exemption
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