Delta Mendota Barrier Rail Replacement


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Joaquin County
Document Title
Delta Mendota Barrier Rail Replacement
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
PROJECT DESCRIPTION BPMPL- Delta Mendota Barrier Rail Replacement BPMPL-5929(260) PROJECT LOCATION: Koster Road Bridge No. 29C-353 traversing the Delta Mendota Canal, including the levee access roads that need to be realigned to accommodate the turning radius of maintenance trucks around the attenuators. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Koster Road Bridge traverses the Delta-Mendota Canal and has railings that have been corroded by the elements. The purpose of the project is to meet current Caltrans and AASHTO bridge railing system standards, the need of the project is to replace the corroded railings. Deficiency: The right rail is metal plate rail, and the left is metal beam guard rail. The inspection report states that the paint system has failed on the right bridge rail and there is rust throughout. Work recommended states “Clean and repaint the right barrier rail.” SCOPE OF WORK: The project will consist of: 1. Removing and disposing of the existing curb and metal railing and placing concrete barriers. 2. Removing and replacing cantilevered overhangs, replacing (in-kind) deck drains. 3. Installing impact attenuators at approaches. 4. Widening, grading, and resurfacing the levee accesses to allow for maintenance vehicle turning around the proposed impact attenuators at all corners. RIGHT OF WAY: The bridge currently has San Luis-Delta Mendota Water Authority (DMWA) levee access roads at all 4 corners. DMWA have reviewed a conceptual plan and agreed that the project will not require the County to realign the levee accesses to allow for the proposed impact attenuators at the corners. Should it be determined that the BPMP construction activities will impact private properties, then the County will proceed with the process of obtaining any necessary Temporary Construction Authorization for each bridge in the project. TRAFFIC PROVISIONS: A minimum of one paved traffic lane will remain open to the public at all times. As the project location is on a narrow bridge and will require closure of one lane at a time, the Consultant will be designing a temporary signal to control traffic during construction. The contractor will be required to submit a traffic control plan for approval prior to starting construction. The contractor will also be required to use an approved temporary railing at all times once the existing railing has been removed. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: In this portion of San Joaquin County, land usage is primarily agricultural. There are many large trees adjacent to the project area. Nesting and migratory birds, protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, may nest within these trees. Furthermore, the Swainson’s Hawk, a raptor species of concern within the State of California and listed as threatened may nest adjacent to or within the project area. A pre-construction survey for nesting Swainson’s Hawks and other migratory birds is recommended if construction is scheduled to occur from February 15th to September 1st. BENEFICIARIES: The public will see increased safety and fewer hazards with this well-maintained bridge. Overall, there will be reduced maintenance concerns and more reliability within the project area.

Contact Information

Marilissa Loera
Agency Name
San Joaquin County
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Joaquin
Cross Streets
Blewett Road, Koster Road
State Highways
SR 132, SR 33, HWY 5

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facilities (Sec. 15301 (d))
Reasons for Exemption
The project will replace corroded railings to meet the current bridge railing system standards.
County Clerk
San Joaquin


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