Northwood Elementary Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) Facilities Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Twin Rivers Unified School District
Document Title
Northwood Elementary Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) Facilities Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Notice of Exemption for the Northwood Elementary Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) Facilities Project. The facility improvement project at Northwood Elementary focuses on modernizing and converting an existing portable building with a total of 1,440 square feet of usable space. The project includes the removal of a wall that currently divides the building into two 720-square-foot spaces, transforming the space into a single, open classroom. The updated classroom will feature a new restroom and be designed to provide a modern, age-appropriate learning environment tailored for transitional kindergarten students.
Contact Information
Kristi Hawks
Agency Name
Twin Rivers Unified School District
Job Title
Manager Facilities Planning
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Victoria Garcia
Agency Name
Twin Rivers Unified School District
Job Title
Director Facilities, Construction & Planning
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Citywide, Countywide
Cross Streets
Taft Street, Frienza Avenue, & Glenrose Avenue
Parcel #
Northwood Elementary
Other Location Info
2630 Taft Street
Sacramento, CA 95815
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 - Section 15301, Class 2 - Section 15302, and Class 14 - Section 15314
Reasons for Exemption
Class 1 - Existing Facilities (Section 15301): The project's scope aligns with a Class 1 exemption as it pertains to a minor alteration of an existing facility. The project aims to modernize an existing learning space to align with the school's current needs more practically.
Class 2 - Replacement of Reconstruction (Section 15302): The project's scope aligns with a Class 2 exemption as it pertains to the reconstruction of an existing structure. The structure will stay in the same location on the campus that it currently is and will continue to serve the purpose of meeting the current educational needs of students.
Class 14 - Minor Additions to Schools (Section 15314): The project's scope aligns with a Class 14 exemption as it pertains to minor additions to existing schools. This project stays within the school's existing footprint and adds no additional square footage to the campus. The classroom will be utilized to support additional student growth within the school district and to create an educational environment that supports grade-level appropriate learning space. This project is not expected to increase the enrollment by more than 25%.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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