Santa Fe High School Athletic Fields Improvements
SCH Number
Public Agency
Whittier School District
Document Title
Santa Fe High School Athletic Fields Improvements
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Whittier Union High School District (District) proposes to modernize the existing Santa Fe High School athletic facilities in the eastern portion of the campus for continued physical education and sports programs offered by the school and community use pursuant to the Civic Center Act and District Board policy. The improvements would involve demolishing and replacing the following existing facilities: football with new synthetic track and synthetic turf; shot put and discus with new cages; foul poles with new foul poles; restroom equipment to meet current standards for accessibility compliance; junior varsity (JV) and varsity baseball fields, bullpens, and outfield fencing for the varsity field only; JV and varsity softball fields, bullpens, and outfield fencing for the varsity field only; primary and practice soccer fields; irrigation system with booster pump and smart controls; and the remaining natural grass. The following new improvements would be installed: chain-link bullpens and fencing at the softball and baseball fields; landscaping throughout; electrical provisions for the football field timing systems; scoreboards for the varsity baseball and softball fields; concrete pads for the equipment storage units; and electrical infrastructure for future field lights, which would be subject to its own environmental review. The entire Project site would be regraded to include a new underground stormwater detention and infiltration system.
Contact Information
Danny True
Agency Name
Whittier Union High School District
Job Title
SEC-Facilities - Manager of Construction Services
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Steven Rodriguez
Agency Name
Whittier Union High School District
Job Title
Director of Business Operations
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Fe Springs
Los Angeles
Southern California
State Highways
I-5 and I-605
Other Location Info
10400 Orr and Day Road
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 4 (CEQA Guidelines 15304) and Class 14 (CEQA Guidelines 15314)
Reasons for Exemption
The Class 4 exemption applies as the Project is in an urbanized area and would be implemented on flat land that is developed with sports fields, landscaping, and hardscape; no waterways, wetlands, or natural habitat exist at the Project site. All areas disturbed for would be restored. Three ornamental trees would be removed; however, they are not scenic or heritage. The Class 14 exemption applies as the proposed improvements would occur on an existing school campus and improve the school's outdoor instructional spaces. The Project would not increase the school's classroom count or student enrollment capacity by 10 classrooms or 25 percent of the existing capacity. None of the exceptions listed under CEQA Guidelines §15300.2 apply to the Project. The Project site does not contain any mapped or designated areas of sensitivity; there are no other projects proposed at the school that would be implemented during Project construction that would contribute to a cumulatively considerable environmental impact; the District is not aware of any unusual circumstances whereby Project implementation would cause a significant environmental impact; the Project would not impact a scenic highway; the Project site is not listed as a hazardous waste site, per the California Environmental Protection Agency; and the Project site is not listed as historical under the California Register of
Historical Resources or by the City of Santa Fe Springs.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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