The City of Shafter and the City of Shafter Unserved Broadband Access Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
Document Title
The City of Shafter and the City of Shafter Unserved Broadband Access Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Shafter Unserved Broadband Access Project is located in the southern portion of the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley of California. The City of Shafter Unserved Broadband Access Project proposes to serve an estimated 182 unserved locations based on a March 2024 supplemental application filing. There are approximately 211 unserved units in the project area. An estimated unserved population of 797 would be offered service. An estimated total population of 3,924 will benefit from these investments in the community of Shafter. The last-mile fiber project will provide up to 10/10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) service to consumers. The City of Shafter will deploy approximately 21 miles of last-mile fiber. The network infrastructure will be 21 percent underground and 79 percent aerial. The City of Shafter Unserved Broadband Access Project will benefit disadvantaged or Environmental and Social Justice communities; 100 percent of the unserved locations are located in Disadvantaged Communities. The City of Shafter will provide a low-cost broadband plan that meets the requirements in D. 22-04-055, Section 3, and has committed to maintaining its prices for at least ten years. Existing electrical, phone, and internet services are provided via a network of both above ground (aerial) and below ground infrastructure. Most of the newer areas of Shafter consist of below ground only infrastructure. Shafter’s central core runs parallel and perpendicular to the BNSF rail line with the newer areas of the city laid out in a typical grided north/south and east/west orientation. The road network is nearly all paved, includes sidewalks in the developed areas within its city limits, and has functional classifications consisting of highway, arterial, collector, and local/residential streets. Amtrak rail service runs through the City and offers a depot in the neighboring community of Wasco. The California High Speed rail line, which is currently under development, is planned to run directly through Shafter, parallel to the existing BNSF rail line.

Contact Information

Lisa S Cooke
Agency Name
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Southern California
Cross Streets
Various 7th Standard Rd, Beech Ave, Burbank St, Central Valley Hwy.
Other Location Info
There are 14 major arterials in and out of Shafter that will be partially impacted by the project. They include 7th Standard Rd, Beech Ave, Burbank St, Central Valley Hwy, Fresno Ave, Lerdo Hwy, Los Angeles Ave, Mannel Ave, Orange Ave, Orange St, Poplar Ave, Riverside St, Shafter Ave, and Tulare Ave. Around 77 other minor streets will be partially or fully impacted by our project. Of the roughly 21 total miles of fiber that will be deployed through this project, we estimate that 9.8 aerial miles and 4.4 underground miles will be within the city limits and 6.4 aerial miles will be in unincorporated Kern County.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, Section Number 15301(b)(c), Class 3, Section Number 15303(d) & Class 4, Section Number 15304(f)
Reasons for Exemption
Under the Federal Funding Account D. 22-04-055 the CPUC Commission determined that these projects planned by the City of Shafter and the City of Shafter Unserved Broadband project would fall within one of several categorical exemptions under CEQA.
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