Vasona Pump Station Upgrade Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Document Title
Vasona Pump Station Upgrade Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Industrial Water Facility (Zoning is Low Density Residential (R-1:8) and Neighborhood Commercial)
Document Description
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) is proposing the Vasona Pump Station (VPS) Upgrade Project (Project or proposed Project) to modernize major equipment at the VPS that has reached the end of its useful life, to improve the operational reliability and flexibility of Valley Water’s water supply system, and to meet projected future demand for treated water. The future demand for treated water is based on the growth approved by the local jurisdictions and presented in their adopted General Plans. The local jurisdictions are the local retail water suppliers and Valley Water’s wholesale water customers.
The VPS was constructed in 1975 and is a key component of Valley Water’s water conveyance system. The VPS houses four booster pumps, an emergency (50 kilowatt [kW]) standby natural gas generator, remote telemetry, and a series of valves that provide interconnections between raw water pipelines. An existing 480 Volt PG&E transformer provides electrical power to the pumps. The VPS booster pumps are used on an as-needed basis to boost pressure in Valley Water’s raw water pipelines (Almaden Valley Pipeline, Rinconada Force Main, Central Pipeline, and Stevens Creek Pipeline) that convey imported water from the California Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) South Bay Aqueduct and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s (USBR) San Luis Reservoir, and local surface water from Anderson and Calero Reservoirs, to Valley Water’s water treatment plants (Rinconada Water Treatment Plant, Santa Teresa Water Treatment Plant, and Penitencia Water Treatment Plant) when gravity flows are not sufficient to meet treated demand. The VPS valves provide interconnections between raw water pipelines to control flow under various pumping and gravity flow operational scenarios. The VPS is also used to control the flow of raw water that is conveyed to groundwater recharge facilities at existing turnouts along Valley Water’s raw water pipelines.
Most of the original equipment at the VPS is no longer supported by the manufacturers, making equipment replacement and repair difficult. Many of the pumps, motors, drives, valves, actuators, and electrical and control systems have reached the end of their useful life and are overdue for replacement. In addition, because the quantity and availability of Valley Water’s water supply sources can vary considerably seasonally and annually, depending on the source of the water that is being sent to treatment prior to delivery to customers, the existing pump capacities at the VPS fall short of meeting the anticipated future demand for treated water under certain operational flow scenarios.
Project Objectives
The Project would modernize major equipment at VPS that has reached the end of its useful life and provide reliable and efficient operation and capacity of the Valley Water System to meet projected future demand for water service. Specific Project objectives are as follows:
- Eliminate risk of failure due to equipment age and/or condition.
- Increase the operational flexibility and efficiency of the Valley Water supply system.
- Prepare for future capacity needs.
- Increase the current level of service to meet the demands for treated water and raw water turnouts for the groundwater program.
- Upgrade the electrical system to increase reliability and safety in both operation and maintenance.
Project Location
The VPS is located at 14545 Oka Road in the Town of Los Gatos, northwest of the intersection of State Route (SR) 17 and SR 85, on the south side of Los Gatos Creek. The VPS is located on two primary parcels [APNs 424-080-76 and 424-440-30] and includes several single-story buildings with subterranean levels, including an administrative building, a meter shop, a Pump Building, a Valve Yard, a pilot building, storage containers, and related facilities and infrastructure. A creek discharge dissipation structure used to augment flow in Los Gatos Creek is located next to, but outside of, the Project Site. The VPS is accessed via a gravel driveway and two Valley Water security gates located off Oka Road at Fremont Court. The VPS is enclosed in perimeter fencing and vegetative screening. The VPS is relatively level (elevations range from approximately 260 to 273 feet above mean sea level). Existing vegetation within the fenced facility is predominantly ornamental. Land uses surrounding the Project Site consist of single-family and multi-family residential to the north and east, Fremont Court and SR 85 to the south, and Los Gatos Creek to the north and west.
The Project would also upgrade appurtenances in an existing flowmeter vault located in Valley Water’s gravel maintenance road along the south side of Los Gatos Creek, 50 feet northwest of and outside of the VPS perimeter fencing, on APN 424-440-29. Access to the flowmeter vault for construction vehicles and equipment would occur via an existing security gate at the VPS fence line.
The VPS facilities within the perimeter fencing and the disturbance area for the flowmeter vault upgrades in the adjacent maintenance road comprise the Project Site. The Project Site is the area within which all facility upgrades and improvements would be installed.
Construction staging and vehicle parking would occur at the VPS. Additional construction staging, if needed, would occur offsite within two Valley Water-owned parcels located on the northwest side of Los Gatos Creek, north of SR 85 and east of Winchester Boulevard (APNs 424-310-18 and 424-320-32). Valley Water currently uses the Off-site Staging Area for materials storage. Groundcover at the Off-site Staging Area is gravel interspersed by annual grasses. Like the VPS, the Off-site Staging Area is accessed via a Valley Water security gate and is enclosed by perimeter fencing. Surrounding land uses include neighborhood commercial to the north (the Aventino Apartments and Netflix’s offices), Los Gatos Creek to the east, SR-85 to the south, and Winchester Boulevard to the west.
The Project Site and the Off-site Staging Area are owned by Valley Water. The Project would not result in any permanent changes to land use or sensitive land covers. Apart from work in the flowmeter fault located in the Valley Water maintenance road, all work would occur within the fenced areas. There would be no direct disturbance to riparian vegetation or habitat along Los Gatos Creek.
Proposed Improvements
Valley Water proposes to replace two 400-horsepower (hp) centrifugal pumps and two 200-hp horizontal centrifugal pumps with four horizontal split-case 600-hp pumps. The new pumps would be equipped with variable frequency drives to improve energy efficiency. To support the new pumps, existing valves, flow meters, motor controls, electrical power distribution and control systems, and telemetry equipment would be replaced and upgraded. The Project would install two generators: (1) An existing 50 kW (67-hp) natural gas generator located inside the Pump Building would be replaced by a 100 kW (134-hp) natural gas generator at the same location and connected to the same PG&E natural gas line; and (2) a new 1,250 kW (1,676-hp) diesel standby generator, and a new 6,000-gallon aboveground diesel storage tank with double containment, would be installed next to the Pump Building within a new noise-attenuating enclosure.
Currently, electrical service is provided to the VPS at 1,600A, 480 volts from a PG&E-owned 12 kilovolt (kV) overhead feeder and pad-mounted transformer adjacent to Fremont Court. As part of the proposed Project, electrical service to the VPS would be increased to 4,000A, 480 volts. The existing pad-mounted PG&E transformer located adjacent to Fremont Court would be upgraded and replaced with a new pad-mounted PG&E transformer that would be installed by PG&E on the east side of the Pump Building prior to completion of construction while the contractor is on site. The main power distribution switchboard would also be relocated from the basement of the Pump Building to a new equipment enclosure located on the east side of the Pump Building, next to the upgraded pad-mounted transformer. All improvements and upgrades would occur within previously developed areas and within the footprint of existing VPS facilities and infrastructure, with the majority of the upgrades and improvements being installed indoors inside existing structures such as the Pump Building, Valve Yard, and Pilot Building. New equipment enclosures would be installed to house the new 1,250 kW diesel standby generator (34 feet x 20 feet) and PG&E service entrance and switchgear (25 feet x 15 feet). A new prefabricated 30 feet x 15 feet electrical building would be installed to house the motor control center and variable frequency drives. The enclosures would be installed on the south side of the existing Pump Building, below the height of the existing Pump Building to provide a visual buffer and attenuate operational noise for existing residences to the north.
Equipment enclosures would be designed to reduce noise levels at adjacent residents.
The Project would incorporate concrete block walls, sound barriers, and/or mufflers into final design plans to ensure that the proposed backup generator, 600-hp pumps, and transformer comply with applicable exterior noise standards.
Project Construction
Construction would occur within previously developed areas at the VPS, and in the flow meter vault located in the adjacent Valley Water maintenance road. An estimated 254 cubic yards of spoils requiring offsite disposal would be generated during construction, and 210 cubic yards of fill would be imported to the site. Project construction would result in a total of 0.153 acres (approximately 6,659 square feet) of ground disturbance at the Project Site. Ground disturbance includes earthmoving activities and disturbance to established vegetative groundcover, pervious surfaces, and impervious surfaces during installation and construction of the proposed facility improvements and upgrades. Improvements and upgrades made inside of existing structures do not result in ground disturbance and are not accounted for in the total ground disturbance area. Implementation of the Project would result in the creation and/or replacement of 5,175 square feet of impervious surfaces, resulting in an 869-square-foot net increase in impervious surfaces at the VPS.
Construction activities would include:
- Replacing existing pumps (two 200-hp and two 400-hp pumps) and with four 600-hp pumps).
- Installing pump motors and pump control panels.
- Replacing five valves within existing vaults at the Valve Yard.
- Pouring concrete pads for new standby generator enclosure, electrical control walk-in enclosure, and PG&E transformer and switchgear.
- Installing prefabricated equipment enclosures.
- Replacing the existing 1,600A, 480V PG&E transformer with a 4,000A, 480V transformer.
- Relocating the switchgear in the Pump Building to the northeastern corner of the VPS, adjacent to the new pad-mounted transformer.
- Trenching for duct banks and conduits between equipment.
- Replacing two flow meters in existing vaults.
- Installing/replacing auxiliary infrastructure such as valves, cables, switches, transceivers, panels, power racks, and supports.
- Restoring perimeter landscaping throughout the VPS to match existing.
Construction Staging and Site Access
Construction staging would occur at the VPS site. If additional staging area is needed, the 3.3 acre Off-site Staging Area on the west side of Los Gatos Creek would be used.
No changes to site access are needed to implement the Project. Access to the VPS parcels would be provided via the existing Valley Water security gates and driveway at Fremont Court and Oka Lane. Access to the flowmeter vault in the Valley Water maintenance road would occur via an existing gate at the adjacent VPS fence line. Site access to the Off-site Staging Area on the west of Los Gatos Creek would occur via the existing security gate and driveway off of Winchester Circle.
Material deliveries would range from two to four truck trips per day.
Construction Schedule and Work Hours
Construction is anticipated to take 18 months to complete. Although the exact timing of construction is still unknown, most likely, it would be broken down into three 6-month phases, with each phase occurring sometime between October and April when demand for treated water is lowest in order to avoid disrupting raw water deliveries to treatment plants. Construction is planned to occur Monday through Friday 8AM to 6PM, consistent with the Town of Los Gatos construction work hours. However, if nighttime or weekend construction is necessary to meet the schedule, to minimize noise levels and the risk of disrupting nearby residences, any nighttime and weekend work would occur indoors, inside buildings and structures such as the Pump Building, Pilot Building, and new Electrical Building. Outdoor work would not occur outside of the Town of Los Gatos’ construction work hours identified in Chapter 16 of the Town’s Municipal Code.
Construction Equipment
Construction equipment would include:
• Trucks/Trailers
• Cranes
• Excavators or backhoe loaders
• Compactors
• Skid steer loader
• Paving equipment
• Portable pumps
• Generators
• Welding equipment
• Air compressors
• Concrete pump truck
• Dump trucks
• Forklift
Upon the completion of construction activities, the Project Site and Off-site Staging Area (if used) would be restored to their preexisting conditions.
Future Operations and Maintenance
Like existing operations, future operation of VPS would be controlled remotely from the Raw Water Control Center at Rinconada Water Treatment Plant. Equipment would be operated and maintained in a manner similar to existing conditions, with low levels of activity at the VPS. No changes in staffing levels are anticipated.
The 100 kW natural gas standby generator that would replace the existing 50 kW natural gas generator located inside of the Pump Building would provide limited backup power for critical motor control and communications equipment in the event of power interruptions. The new 1,250 kW diesel standby generator would provide backup power for the new pumps and other critical equipment in the event of power interruptions. The standby generators would be tested monthly for 2 hours. The new 1,250 kW diesel standby generator would be Tier-4 rated (technology with reduced emissions of PM and NOx by about 90%). The noise-attenuating enclosure for the new 1,250 kW diesel standby generator would ensure noise levels are maintained within local noise limits. Diesel exhaust emissions would be directed away from the adjacent residents through a side vent or chimney with an air flow deflector.
Project Website:
Contact Information
Kelly White
Agency Name
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water)
Job Title
Environmental Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Los Gatos
Santa Clara
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
14545 Oka Road at Fremont Court
Total Acres
Parcel #
424-080-76, 424-440-30, 424-440-29, 424-320-18, 424-320-32
State Highways
SR 85 and SR 17
Village Elementary School and Farnham Elementary School
Los Gatos Creek
Mt Diabl
Notice of Completion
State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Air Resources Board (ARB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Highway Patrol (CHP), California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Natural Resources Agency, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region 2 (RWQCB), State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, District 17, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, State Water Resources Control Board, Divison of Financial Assistance, California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT)
State Reviewing Agency Comments
California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT)
Development Types
Water Facilities (MGD varies - pumps only operated when gravity flows insufficient)(Type Pump Station, MGD 0.000001)
Local Actions
Facility Upgrades
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Cumulative Effects, Energy, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mandatory Findings of Significance, Mineral Resources, Noise, Population/Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Schools/Universities, Solid Waste, Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, Utilities/Service Systems, Vegetation, Wetland/Riparian, Wildfire
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End
Draft Environmental Document [Draft IS, NOI_NOA_Public notices, OPR Summary Form, Appx,]
Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form
State Comment Letters [Comments from State Reviewing Agency(ies)]
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