Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Bank Pilot Program


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Riverside
Document Title
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Mitigation Bank Pilot Program
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Riverside VMT Mitigation Program would implement a VMT bank program to require development projects to offset project generated VMT by paying a per VMT fee to the bank. The VMT bank would be established by the City through the implementation of VMT-reducing projects. The amount of VMT that would be reduced through such projects would then be used to establish a fee that is proportional to the associated costs of the VMT-reducing projects. Future development projects that would produce VMT would be required to pay the established fee per VMT generated.

Contact Information

Philip Nitollama
Agency Name
City Of Riverside
Job Title
City Traffic Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Total Acres
52000 acres
State Highways
SR-91 freeway, SR-60 freeway, 15
Riverside Airport
Other Location Info

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The VMT mitigation program does not propose any development or redevelopment of any kind. Thus, the program is exempt because program approval does not commit the City to any specific course of action. The program would serve as a study for possible future actions of the City to implement a mitigation program to mitigate overall VMT generated from development projects. Once implemented, the VMT mitigation program would be voluntary for future development projects that are subject to CEQA and are not able to mitigate VMT impacts on a project-specific level. These projects, on a voluntary basis, could evaluate the projected VMT that would be generated and pay a fee to the VMT bank to offset potential VMT associated with project development. The VMT mitigation program would not result in environmental impacts, as the purpose of the program is to reduce VMT within the City implementing reasonable and feasible VMT mitigation projects. This program is voluntary and does not create a “legally binding effect” upon the City or future projects. Due to the limited level of detail known at this time, as the program is voluntary for participation, exempting the program is appropriate. Lastly, the program would reduce VMT which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help reduce air quality impacts, thus restoring and protecting the natural and human environment. Therefore, the VMT mitigation program would be statutorily exempt from CEQA under a Section 15262 Feasibility and Planning Studies and categorically exempt under Section 15308 Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment.

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The VMT mitigation program does not propose any development or redevelopment of any kind. Thus, the program is exempt because program approval does not commit the City to any specific course of action. The program would serve as a study for possible future actions of the City to implement a mitigation program to mitigate overall VMT generated from development projects. Once implemented, the VMT mitigation program would be voluntary for future development projects that are subject to CEQA and are not able to mitigate VMT impacts on a project-specific level. These projects, on a voluntary basis, could evaluate the projected VMT that would be generated and pay a fee to the VMT bank to offset potential VMT associated with project development. The VMT mitigation program would not result in environmental impacts, as the purpose of the program is to reduce VMT within the City implementing reasonable and feasible VMT mitigation projects. This program is voluntary and does not create a “legally binding effect” upon the City or future projects. Due to the limited level of detail known at this time, as the program is voluntary for participation, exempting the program is appropriate. Lastly, the program would reduce VMT which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help reduce air quality impacts, thus restoring and protecting the natural and human environment. Therefore, the VMT mitigation program would be statutorily exempt from CEQA under a Section 15262 Feasibility and Planning Studies and categorically exempt under Section 15308 Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment.
County Clerk


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