County Initiated Amendment to Ventura County Non-Coastal and Coastal Zoning Ordinance
SCH Number
Public Agency
Ventura County
Document Title
County Initiated Amendment to Ventura County Non-Coastal and Coastal Zoning Ordinance
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
County-lnitiated Amendment to Articles 1,2,5,7,8,9,11,16, and 19 of the Ventura
County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance (NCZO), and Articles 1, 2,4, 5, and 11 of the
Ventura County Coastal Zoning Ordinance (CZO) to lmplement Programs HE-M
(Density Bonus Ordinance Updates) and HE-N (Zoning Code Amendments for Special Needs Housing) of the 2021-2029 Housing Element.
Contact Information
Todd Davis
Agency Name
County of Ventura Planning Division
Job Title
Associate Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Other Information
Coastal and non-coastal unincorporated areas of Ventura County.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(b)(3), 15168, 15265, and Public Resources Code Section 21080.9.
Reasons for Exemption
Amendments to the NCZO are exempt from CEQA review pursuant to section
15061(bX3) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it can be seen with certainty there is
no possibility the project may have a significant effect on the environment; and
pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15168 as they directly implement Programs
HE-M and HE-N of the County's Housing Element, which was adopted by the Board
of Supervisors along with its environmental analysis in 2021.
Amendments to the CZO are exempt from CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code
section 21080.9 and CEQA Guidelines section 15265, as amendments to the
County's Local Coastal Program (LCP) are subject to a review for compliance with
the California Coastal Act, and subsequent certification by the California Coastal
Commission (CCC). The CCC's regulatory program for LCPs has been certified by
the Natural Resources Agency as the functional equivalent of CEQA review.
Therefore, the proposed CZO amendments are exempt provided the Coastal
Commission ultimately finds them consistent with the Coastal Act.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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