Jereme Pitts Major Grading Permit (GRAD2023-00126 / ED24-185)


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Luis Obispo County
Document Title
Jereme Pitts Major Grading Permit (GRAD2023-00126 / ED24-185)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A Major Grading Permit (GRAD2023-00126) to allow authorization to grade on slopes in excess of 30% on an approximately 10-acre parcel to allow development for a manufacture home and detached garage/workshops. Residence (Manufactured Home RBLD2023-00305) includes a single-level single family residence of approximately 1,206 square feet and a 2,400 square foot detached garage and workshop (RBLD2023-00306). The project will disturb approximately 0.89 acres, including on-site drainage improvements, and earthwork quantities totaling 915 cubic yards of cut/fill. The proposed project is within the Agricultural land use category and is located at 3365 Oakdale Road, Paso Robles in the Adelaida subarea of the North County Planning Area.

Contact Information

Jeremy Freund
Agency Name
County of San Luis Obispo
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo
Total Acres
Parcel #
Other Location Info
3365 Oakdale Road Paso Robles, CA 93446

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project includes grading for the construction of a manufactured home and detached garage and workshop located in a rural area within the Agricultural land use designation. The applicant has designed the grading and site improvements to minimize site disturbance, and the project has a relatively small area of disturbance of approximately 0.89 acres of a 10-acre property. The site was previously disturbed from an existing residence which burned down in 2016. A demolition permit Zon2022-00726 approved foundation of the burned down residence. The additional disturbance site includes the already disturbed area from the existing residence removal. The project area is located within the Adelaida subarea of the North County Planning Area and is subject to the applicable planning area standards. This project, as proposed, meets all applicable community standards for development. Additionally, the project is proposed to be placed in an area that is not categorized as prime farmland and will not convert prime farmland to a non-agricultural use. The project will not result in the removal of any heritage oak trees or other native tree species, and there are no special status plant species known to exist within the project area. The site is not adjacent to mapped blueline streams. Grading does not include removal of oak trees but does impacting 26 oak trees. In accordance with the Oak Woodland Ordinance, the project includes combination of replanting and payment to the Oak Woodlands Conservation Program at a ratio of 2:1. Therefore, the project will maintain compliance with local policies and ordinances protecting biological resources
County Clerk
San Luis Obispo


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