PLNP2024-00136 5131 Ruscal Way Second Story ADU


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sacramento County
Document Title
PLNP2024-00136 5131 Ruscal Way Second Story ADU
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The homeowner is making improvements to their existing two-story home, which will include an addition to the dwelling and a new Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) above the addition. The expanded dwelling will provide the zoning code requirement of a 5’ side yard setback from the adjacent property. The project is a request for a Minor Special Development Permit to allow an attached 585 square-foot second-story ADU over a new 756 square-foot garage where the ADU deviates from the 25-foot height limit for attached ADUs and the single-story limit for constructed ADUs, located in the RD-3 (Low-Density Residential) zoning district.

Contact Information

Julie Newton
Agency Name
Sacramento County Planning
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Parcel #
Other Location Info
The project site is located at 5131 Ruscal Way, at the southwest corner of Ruscal Way at Phoenix Ave, in the Fair Oaks community of unincorporated Sacramento County.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
PRC Section 21084; CEQA Guidelines Sections 15300 -15333 • CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 – New Construction or Conversio
Reasons for Exemption
Class 3 consists of the construction of new, small facilities or structures, within the maximum allowable on any legal parcel. The property is zoned for low density single-family residential uses; permitted uses in this zoning district is limited to one single-family dwelling and one ADU. The project proposal consists of an addition to an existing two-story single-family dwelling and a new attached ADU on the second floor of the structure. The Sacramento County Zoning Code allows for two-story dwellings with 5-foot side yard setbacks; the ADU, on the second floor, has been designed with limited windows along the building’s façade closest to the adjacent neighbor, thereby reducing privacy concerns (e.g., looking into neighbor home or yard). For the foregoing reasons, and as there are no environmental resources present on the site, the project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA.
County Clerk


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