Emergency Coastal Development Permit (Application CDP24-04) for Pebble Beach Drive Slide


SCH Number
Public Agency
Crescent City
Document Title
Emergency Coastal Development Permit (Application CDP24-04) for Pebble Beach Drive Slide
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
micro-pile and soil nail wall system. The vertical micro-pile are set on 18 inch centers and grouted into the existing bedrock. The wall foundation consists of a reinforced cast-in-place grade beam. The near-horizontal soil nails are placed on a 5-ft by 5-ft grid and are drilled into the existing soils and bedrock with anticipated depths ranging from 28-ft to 38-ft. They are to be grouted daily, with in place resistance field tested to confirm adequate penetration. The wall face is to be a minimum of 10-in thick, with an additional layer of sculpted and stained concrete place on the surface to represent the existing cliff faces. At the base of wall, a strip of Rock Slope Protection (RSP) will be embedded into the existing bedrock (Mudstone or others) above the mean high tide line. The RSP will be faced with the reaming earth berm including the existing planting. Behind the wall, ground water will be captured in a sheet and perforated drain system. It will be dissipated through the RSP at three locations. The intention is to install native planting within the RSP section. The wall will be backfilled with flowable low-density fill. Upon completion of the wall, a 4-ft wide green space will be placed along the top of wall containing a cable rail to provide safety and allow unobstructed views. This green space will be bordered by a 10-ft pedestrian/bike path to the new curb line, followed by the reconstruction of the existing roadway. Included in the emergency work were earlier steps to abate further road erosion (tarping and sandbagging the failed area, public safety measures (temporary road closure, fencing and signs), and recovery testing with drill rig to assist in design of the project. As a design-build project, while contractors are following specific engineered design specifications, exposure of the work area during tasks may result in minor design changes to address the concerns. Such changes will be documented for follow-up permitting.

Contact Information

Ethan Lawton
Agency Name
Crescent City
Job Title
Contract City Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Crescent City
Del Norte
Cross Streets
Pebble Beach Drive between W 8th Street and W 7th Street
Other Location Info
Approximately 350 feet along Pebble Beach Drive between W 8th Street and W 7th Street (across from 789 Pebble Beach Drive), including the bluff above mean high tide line (MHT).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
The "emergency repairs” are to a “publicly owned service facilities necessary to maintain service essential to the public health, safety or welfare.” Emergency repairs include those that require a reasonable amount of planning to address an anticipated emergency."
County Clerk
Del Norte


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