As-Needed Grazing and Vegetation Management Services Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sonoma County Water Agency
Document Title
As-Needed Grazing and Vegetation Management Services Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The As-Needed Grazing and Vegetation Management Services Agreement (Project) includes vegetation management activities on public flood control, sanitation, and water supply facilities owned by the Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water).
The project includes vegetation management for natural resources management, fire fuel reduction, and control of nuisance plants growing on public facilities. Sonoma Water’s facilities are already subject to similar vegetation management practices. Work will include grazing by goats and sheep and mechanical mowing using equipment such as a flail mower. The project also includes conducting nesting bird surveys in advance of mechanical mowing during the nesting season. The project will not involve working within sensitive habitat, including wetlands or within 100 feet of a creek, and no ground disturbance, such as excavation, would take place.
Contact Information
Candace Messner
Agency Name
Sonoma County Water Agency
Job Title
Environmental Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Rosa
Other Location Info
Facilities in unincorporated Sonoma County: Cotati Water Storage Tanks (APN 046-181-026), Eldridge Water Storage Tanks (APN 054-105-012), Forestville Water Storage Tanks (APN 083-040-085), Kastania Water Storage Tank (APN 019-320-017), Kawana Water Storage Tanks (APN 044-180-014), Sonoma Water Storage Tanks (APN 018-021-003 and 018-021-005), Mirabel and Wohler Water Supply Facilities (APN 083-010-045, 083-010-049, 083-010-057, 110-140-003, 110-140-008, 110-140-010,110-210-015, 110-220-001, 110-220-002, 110-220-003, 110-220-015, 110-220-016, 110-280-007, 110-300-025, 110-300-029, 110-300-037, 110-310-005, and 110-280-022), Brush Creek Detention Reservoir (APN 029-021-003 and 029-040-023), Matanzas Creek Detention Reservoir (APN 049-060-009, 049-060-054, 049-130-006, 049-150-009, and 049-150-010), and Occidental County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Plant (APN 074-080-055); and
Facilities in City of Santa Rosa: Los Guilicos Water Storage Tank (APN 051-020-051), Oakmont Water Storage Tank (APN 016-230-023), Ralphine Water Storage Tanks (APN 013-331-023 and 031-200-034), Piner Creek Detention Reservoir (APN 180-090-007), Santa Rosa Creek Diversion and Flood Detention Reservoir (APN 013-191-011, 031-011-004, 031-011-005, 031-061-006, 031-061-017, 031-061-019, 031-070-066, 031-080-031, 031-080-032, 031-101-031, 031-101-038, 031-133-019, 031-210-037, 031-232-011, and 031-470-023), and Spring Creek Diversion (APN 049-110-010, 049-110-015, and 049-110-016). Please see the attached Figure 1.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Guidelines sections 15301(h), Existing Facilities; and 15304(i), Minor Alterations to Land.
Reasons for Exemption
The project includes the maintenance of existing landscape and native growth, and minor alterations in the condition of vegetation, on Sonoma Water facilities through grazing and mowing. The project will not expand the existing infrastructure and will not involve the removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees. Project activities will not result in the taking of endangered, rare, or threatened plant or animal species or significant erosion and sedimentation of surface water. The project will not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental, historical, or scenic resource. There are no cumulative effects from the project or unusual circumstances that would lead to a significant effect on the environment.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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