First/Last Mile Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LSCMTA)
Document Title
First/Last Mile Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), working in partnership with Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), proposes first-/last-mile improvements along various segments within the Los Angeles County street network. The purpose of the Project is to improve active transportation connections to transit, continuing Metro's commitment to expanding options for multimodal transportation and improving the entire customer experience by creating safer pathways for vulnerable users. Improved pedestrian and cyclist connections to transit are expected to lead to an increase in ridership and promote multimodal transportation use. The Project aligns with established FTA policy that encourages investment in multimodal transportation options and promotes equitable access to public transit. To enhance transit connectivity and fill gaps in the active transportation network, the Project involves four miles of FLM infrastructure. Improvements as proposed by the Project include green pavement markings in bikeways, separated bikeways, bicycle lanes, accessibility improvements, and pedestrian improvements.

Contact Information

Meghna Khanna
Agency Name
Los Angeles Couty Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Job Title
Deputy Executive Officer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Carson, Los Angeles, Norwalk
Los Angeles
Citywide, Countywide
Other Location Info
The First/Last Mile (FLM) improvements are intended to increase and enhance access to transit along five street segments: Hoxie Avenue, Del Amo Boulevard, Avalon Boulevard, Flower Street, and Pico Boulevard. • Hoxie Avenue: This segment of the Project proposes improvements along Hoxie Avenue from Firestone Boulevard and Foster Road within the City of Norwalk. • Del Amo Boulevard: This segment of the Project proposes improvements along Del Amo Boulevard from Wilmington Avenue to Susana Road within the City of Carson. • Avalon Boulevard: This segment of the Project proposes improvements along Avalon Boulevard from University Drive to Del Amo Boulevard within the City of Carson. • Flower Street: This segment of the Project proposes improvements along Flower Street from 11 th Street to Venice Boulevard in the City of Los Angeles. • Pico Boulevard: This segment of the Project proposes improvements along Pico Boulevard from Figueroa Street to Grand Avenue within the City of Los Angeles.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
California Public Resources Code 21080.25(b)(1) and 21080.25(b)(2)
Reasons for Exemption
Statutory exemptions are projects specifically excluded from CEQA consideration as defined by the State Legislature as delineated in PRC§ 21080 et seq. Senate Bill 922, approved by the State on September 30, 2022, includes several amendments to PRC§ 21080.20 and PRC§ 21080.25. relating to environmental quality. The Project qualifies for exemption described in PRC§ 21080.25, as explained below. PRC§ 21080.25(b)- The Project will implement pedestrian and bicycle improvements with the purpose of improving safety, access, and mobility for residents and visitors utilizing active transportation modes. Improved pedestrian and cyclist connections to transit are expected to lead to an increase in ridership and promote multimodal transportation use. The Project will implement Class II and Class IV bikeways with green pavement markings, accessibility improvements, and pedestrian improvements such as crosswalk upgrades, pedestrian/bicycle signals, dedicated pedestrian pathways, shade trees, landscaping, refuge islands, and curb extensions. Construction and implementation of the Project would be located entirely within existing roadway right-of-way.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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