OC Connect


SCH Number
Public Agency
Orange County Transportation Authority
Document Title
OC Connect
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project would construct a Class I shared use path supporting active transportation users that would span approximately 3.1 miles of OCTA-owned former Pacific Electric right-of-way (PE ROW) from Euclid Street in Garden Grove to Raitt Street in Santa Ana, and an additional approximately 0.65-mile spur along County of Orange-owned East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Chanel from the former PE ROW in Garden Grove south to the intersection of Hazard Avenue and Newhope Street in Santa Ana. The path would construct up to 16 different entry points and other bicycle and pedestrian improvements, e.g. crosswalks, protected intersections, curb ramps, sign/striping, lighting. and landscaping; and also retrofit the former PE ROW/Santa Ana River Bridge across the Santa Ana River. All improvements would be located within the existing public right-of-way.

Contact Information

Charlie Larwood
Agency Name
Orange County Transportation Authority
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Garden Grove, Santa Ana
Other Location Info
Along 3.1 miles of OCTA-owned former Pacific Electric right of way and 0.85-mile spur along County of Orange-owned East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Channel.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
California PRC Section 21080.20 and 21080.25(b)
Reasons for Exemption
This project has been determined to be exempt from environmental review because it qualifies for a Statutory Exemption, pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 21080.20 and 21080.25, since it would implement pedestrian and bicycle facilities; would be located within an existing public right-of-way in an urbanized area; would not add physical infrastructure that increases new automobile capacity on existing rights-of-way; would not require the demolition of affordable housing units; and will be carried out by a public agency.
County Clerk


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