SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is for the total addition of 1,067 square feet, to one (1) of two (2) existing dwelling units on-site. The addition includes 534 square feet to the first floor and a new 533 square foot second story, to an existing 966 square foot dwelling for a total proposed floor area of 2,033 square feet. The project also includes the demolition of an existing 182 square foot patio cover at the rear of the dwelling. The site is zoned R2-1-HCR and has a General Plan Land Use Designation of Low Medium I Residential. As a proposed existing facility and new construction or conversion of small structures project on a site zoned for Low Medium I Residential, the proposed project qualifies for the Class 1 and Class 3 Categorical Exemptions. As shown in the case file, the project is consistent with the applicable Northeast Los Angeles Community Plan and Mount Washington-Glassell Park Specific Plan designation and policies and all applicable zoning designations and regulations. The subject site is wholly within the City of Los Angeles, on a site that is approximately 11,378.70 square feet in area, or 0.26 acres. Lots adjacent to the subject site are developed with residential land uses. The site is currently developed with two-(2) residential dwelling units, and surrounded by development and therefore is not, and has not value as a habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. The project will be subject to Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMS), which require compliance with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance; pollutant discharge, dewatering, stormwater mitigations; and Best Management Practices for stormwater runoff. These RCMs will ensure the project will not have significant impacts on noise and water. Furthermore, the project does not exceed the threshold criteria established by LADOT for preparing a traffic study. Therefore, the project will not have any significant impacts to traffic. Interim thresholds were developed by DCP staff based on CalEEMod model runs relying on reasonable assumptions, consulting with AQMD staff, and surveying published air quality studies for which criteria air pollutants did not exceed the established SCAQMD construction and operational thresholds. Therefore, the project meets all the Criteria for the Class 1 and Class 3.
Contact Information
Andrea Magaña Withers
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, City Planning Department
Job Title
Planning Assistant
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Luis Tejada
Agency Name
Job Title
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
2423 ½ West Avenue 32
Other Information
Miguel Ramirez
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301/Class 1 and Section 15303/Class 3
Reasons for Exemption
There are six (6) Exceptions which must be considered in order to find a project exempt under Section 15303, Class 3: (a) Location; (b) Cumulative Impacts; (c) Significant Effect; (d) Scenic Highways; (e) Hazardous Waste Sites; and (f) Historical Resources. While the subject site is located within the Mount Washington-Glassell Park Specific Plan, East Los Angeles State Enterprise Zone, Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone, Liquefaction area, Special Grading Area (BOE Basic Grid Map A-13372) and is located 1.03 kilometers from the Hollywood Fault, specific Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMs) in the City of Los Angeles regulate the grading and construction of projects in these particular types of “sensitive” locations and will reduce any potential impacts to less than significant. Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMs) include requirements to conform with the California Building Code and the City’s Landform Grading Manual. These RCMs have been historically proven to work to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to reduce any impacts from the specific environment the project is located. Furthermore, the project does not exceed the threshold criteria established by LADOT for preparing a traffic study. Therefore, the project will not have any significant impacts to traffic. Interim thresholds were developed by DCP staff based on CalEEMod model runs relying on reasonable assumptions, consulting with AQMD staff, and surveying published air quality studies for which criteria air pollutants did not exceed the established SCAQMD construction and operational thresholds. Thus, the location of the project will not result in a significant impact based on its location.
With regard to potential cumulative impacts during the construction phase of the project, there is no active construction activity in the vicinity of Avenue 32 where the subject property is located. The conditions imposed address any potential cumulative effects of various projects of the same type in the same area. Therefore, the subject project will have no cumulative impact on the City’s circulation system. As mentioned, the project proposes the total addition of 1,067 square feet, to one (1) of two (2) existing dwelling units on-site. The addition includes 534 square feet to the first floor and a new 533 square foot second story, to an existing 966 square foot dwelling for a total proposed floor area of 2,033 square feet. The project also includes the demolition of an existing 182 square foot patio cover at the rear of the dwelling, in an area zoned and designated for such development. All adjacent lots are developed with residential land uses, and the subject site is of a similar size and slope to nearby properties. The project proposes a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.17 or 3,958 square feet on a site that are permitted to have a maximum FAR of 3:1 or 22,945.44 square feet. The proposed building height is 21 feet 8 inches, which is not unusual for the vicinity of the subject sites and is similar in scope to other existing low residential in the area. Thus, there are no unusual circumstances which may lead to a significant effect on the environment. Additionally, the only State Scenic Highway within the City of Los Angeles is the Topanga Canyon State Scenic Highway, State Route 27, which travels through a portion of Topanga State Park. The proposed project is located approximately 29 miles away from Topanga State Park; therefore, the subject site will not create any impacts within a designated state scenic highway. Furthermore, according to Envirostor, the State of California’s database of Hazardous Waste Sites, neither the subject site, nor any site in the vicinity, is identified as a hazardous waste site. The project site has not been identified as a historic resource by local or state agencies, and the project site has not been determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, the Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments Register, and/or any local register; and was not found to be a potential historic resource based on the City’s HistoricPlacesLA website or SurveyLA, the citywide survey of Los Angeles. Finally, the City does not choose to treat the site as a historic resource. Based on this, the project will not result in a substantial adverse change to the significance of a historic resource and this exception does not apply.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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