Sierra Valley Conservation Area, Expansion 9 (Grashius Phase II)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Wildlife Conservation Board
Document Title
Sierra Valley Conservation Area, Expansion 9 (Grashius Phase II)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
To consider the allocation for a grant to Feather River Land Trust to acquire a conservation easement over 944± acres of land for the protection of wet meadows, black oak woodlands, upland bitterbrush, mountain mahogany and sagebrush, conifers, unique rock outcrops and boulders, montane riparian (willows, cottonwoods), springs and ponds that provide wildlife corridor across lands surrounding CDFW’s Crocker Meadows Wildlife Area, and protect critical deer winter habitat for the Doyle Interstate deer herd as well as special status wildlife, including gray wolf, American badger, golden eagle, Swainson’s hawk, ferruginous hawk, bald eagle, greater sandhill crane, northern harrier, olive-sided flycatcher, yellow warbler, merlin, Cooper’s hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, flammulated owl, and nesting long-billed curlew, Lewis’s woodpecker, burrowing owl, peregrine falcon, and prairie falcon. Also, to provide future wildlife-oriented public use opportunities, located two and one half miles east of Beckwourth in Plumas County. WCB Project Tracker ID: 2021125.
Contact Information
John Walsh
Agency Name
Wildlife Conservation Board
Job Title
Deputy Executive Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Northern California
Other Location Info
010-010-087, 010-010-070, 010-010-068, 010-010-072, 010-010-073, 010-010-083, 010-010-084, 010-010-085, 010-010-086
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec.15313, Class 13 and Sec.15325, Class 25
Reasons for Exemption
Project involves the acquisition of a conservation easement for wildlife conservation to preserve open space and habitat, including plant or animal habitats.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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